[Future] Chapter Two

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Harry's Point of View

"I still chuckle about when Hermione told me that I have the emotinal range of a teaspoon." I laugh at Ron's word. Currently the three of us are sprawled out in mine and Ron's room with Ginny, Luna, and Neville.

"Well, it's truse isn't it?" Hermione asks innocently, a smirk upon her lips. She goes on to say something more but I absent mindely watch her lips moving. Everything nowadays seemed to remind me of [your name]... The way your lip would slightly be lifted on one side, with a look of disgust on your face. When you were shocked, your (eyebrow color) eyebrows would shoot up while your mouth would remain in a straight line. You'd blink with those (eye color) eyes storming with curiosity. Storming? Eh. Swarming? Yes. That's the right word to use there I think... Your eyes would always seem to get a bit darker, or lighter, depending on your emotion. If you were happy? They were bright. If you were mad? A dark (eye color) ring would appear around them.

"Harry? Harry? Are you alright?" Ginny shakes my dhoulder slightly. I blink at her with a small frown before glancing around the room. Everyone is watching me, very closely... Fumbling with the locket hanging around my neck, I nod a little.

"Yeah. I was thinking, that's all." I try to give them a smile but none of them look convinced.

"We all miss her Harry..." My blue green eyes snap to meet Ron's brown ones. I furrow my brow slightly. Luna glares at Ron, very lightly, but it is there.

"Ron, there was no need to go and bring that up." Luna stares at him intently. Ron flushes under such an intense gaze. I wave her off with a bored look but the emotions are swelling up in my very soul. I feel another piece threaten to fall away at the mention of (your name).

"I've accepted it." Neville looks at the ground and doesn't pick his gaze up from the floor.

"You didn't have the choice to accept it Harry. It happened. You can only merely com-"

"Come to terms with it. I know. Just, stop looking at me with damn pitty in your eyes. I can't stand it!" I push myself up off the floor and leave the room. I don't even bother to shut the door as I jog down the steps. I throw open the front door and head out into the cool September night. Its fairly nice out. Nice enough for the sweater I have on, thankfully. I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Maybe I should go back and apologize? No. No. I'll do it later. Right now, I need some time to myself... to think... to let go again... I couldn't make you come back to me. Forcing myself to rip my gaze from the ground, I stop dead in my tracks. A giant white dog watches me with intense golden eyes. I take a step towards it. It bares its teeth at me until its owner leans down to calm it down. Her (hair length) (hair color) reminds me of you. Then she turns her gentle, yet curious, gaze upon me. Suddenly, I find myself stareing into pools that match your (eye color) gaze. I inhale sharply and turn on my heel and walk away, never looking back. I don't wipe away the few tears that slip down my pale cheeks. Let them see me cry, let them hear how broken my soul is, let them see that they can't fix it, ever, in their lifetime.

[A/N]: "Eh? Eh? What did ya' think? (THOSE. DAMN. FEELS. THOUGH!)"

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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