chapter 1 the begining

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Most nights I spent watching TV but tonight I was outside star gazing. When all of a sudden I saw a reflection on the pavers I didn't care at that time till I saw it again but in front of me, I screamed I ran inside still screaming Mum, Dad, Mitch my brother and Alandra my sister wern't there I was so scared I thought I was asleep I started to slap myself across my face I shut my eyes then opened them in front of me I saw something that scared me so much I couldn't move, scream or do anything. I didn't belive my eyes there in front of me with a grin was ET it wasn't posible he's only a fake alien. Soon I got my feeling back and I sat down on the couch still unable to belive what I saw. E.T's dad sat at the end of the couch staring at me

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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