In Which I Am Late

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Beep-beep! Beep-beep!

I stuck my hand out from under the covers and slammed my hand down on the alarm. I groaned and flipped myself over onto my back.

Right, today's my first day of 9th grade. Aka the most stressful year in school, in my opinion. As it's the first year, we need to prepare ourselves for the horrors of high school. Work overload, AP classes, extra lessons so often that you practically live at school, and so on. I sighed. This was going to be a long year.

I turned my head to look at the time and my heart skipped a beat. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to make sure that I was seeing correctly.

7:00 a.m.!

I'd been asleep for an hour longer! The shock sent me tumbling over the edge of the bed and I hit the floor with a loud thud that knocked the wind out of me.

"What was that up there, honey?" I heard my mom calling from downstairs.

"Nothing!" I called back as I got up hurriedly, which I quickly regretted as my arm protested in pain.

"Are you sure?"

I grit my teeth. "Yes!"

Dashing out of my room, I knocked on the other doors to wake everyone up before running into the bathroom to take a quick 5-minute shower. My hair needed washing, but I had no time for that, and anyway, I didn't really care.

I forgot to lock the door so my idiot brother Luke walked in looking more or less like a zombie.

"Angie, what's the matter with you? Have-"

I cut him off just as I stepped out of the shower.

"Have you seen the time? We're going to be late!"

He yawned and looked at the clock mounted in the hallway.

"Don't be ridiculous, Ang-Oh God it's 7:13!"

"That's what I've bee – WHAT?"

I turned to him and pointed to the shower.

"Shower. Now."


"No excuses. I'll get Jade and we'll drag Cam from bed."

I'd dry my hair, but I didn't have time. I ran out and started pounding on Jade's door.

"Jade! Wake up!"



Still silence.


Even more silence.

I sigh in defeat.

"I'll make you a chocolate cake with caramel frosting."

Like magic, the door opened. Jade stood at the door, with a grin a mile wide. She's only an inch taller than me but it's like she's more than that.

"Well, that cake sounds just lovely. But, did you have a reason for calling me?" She said as she twirled her hair. I groaned and pulled her out of her room, then I pointed at the clock.

"Ready to pull someone for dreamland?" I grinned at her. She grinned back and then walked over to Cam's door.

"After you," she said as she opened the door.

We snuck over to Cam's bed, and started giggling. He looks hilarious when he's sleeping. I climbed onto the bed, and at Jade's signal, I started jumping up and down on the bed.

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