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Jacqueline was balling her eyes out because Edwin had thought it to be a good idea to throw slime in her hair. She was hopelessly trying to take the slime out of the ends of her hair, "Mommy is going to hate you now!" She yelled at her dad, "Cause, cause I'm telling!"

Edwin wasn't even sure if slime gets out of hair, and he definitely did not want Domi to know if it couldn't, "How about we just cut you some bangs baby?"

"No!" She screamed throwing attempting to throw the slime across the room to hit him, but it quickly fell just a few feet in front of her.

Edwin wasn't purposely trying to get it into her hair she just wanted it and he was too lazy to get up to bring it to her. They hadn't officially moved into their new house yet because Domi decided she wanted to decorate it all first so the two of them were in Edwins old room.

Zion heard Jacq screaming and came running into the room. Edwin was now up also trying to get the slime out of her hair, "Your mom is going to kill me."

"I hope so!" Domi admits. Zion laughed at that, she was just a little girl but she had an attitude like Domis on her.

Edwin turned to Zion, "Come help me before the girls come home!

Zion put his hands up in defense, "I will not get in trouble for the dumb shit I did not do."

PIECE BY PIECE ⇄ EDWIN HONORET²Where stories live. Discover now