Harsh Game. Chapter 2.

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Pidge found out that keith was in most the class's she had alone without her friends. He was even in the one class she shared with Adam but since Adam such a friendly guy he always get surrounded everyone else in class hoping to be his classmate buddy and stuff. Keith and Pidge got closer and Pidge couldn't but enjoy her time with Keith. 

She wanted the others to meet with keith since its her first ever friend she made since Lance. But he never come with her outside the class or she would lose him after seeing where her friends stood or sat. The week soon past and Friday came. The night of the game. The baseball team all got their new jackets and Lance gave Pidge hers before going to the lunch training. No one had last lesson and could go home early since the game was being played at their own school pitch. 

Pidge did go home to drop her school bag of and to change. She put light green overalls with a black polo top on under. She placed her new team baseball jacket on and headed out to meet the others at school. 

Today was only a practice match with Galra High. Both schools have always been rivals and always had a practice game so they could check the other team out. Look at the newbies and see if anyone quit over the summer. Pidge was excited for the game but also worried since Glara high plays dirty. 

Their captain Lotor is mostly the brains and just orders the others to play dirty without being seen by the ref. He watches each members and aims at the weeks one to try and mess with the team heads. He keep messing with them until they break or become to worry over looking out for dirty tricks they dont focus on the game. Pidge hated Lotor but also respected him since he was the brains to his team and could do all this while playing. She still wanted to hit him all the time. 

She noticed a couple other students sit on the stands ready to watch the game and Pidge sat down on the second step from the bottom. She needed to be able to see but also be able for the others to see her hand signs. If she was too high they wouldn't notice her and so the second from bottom became her spot. She always sit on the edge and cheer her friends on. 

Matt was the first to walk to the edge of the fence and look into the stands seeing his sister. Lance ran over not long after him grinning like an idiot and the rest followed. 

"hey, ready to watch us kick ass" Lance grinned proudly making Pidge laugh. 

"hell yeah" Pidge smirked.

"we show those Glara who they messing with" Matt grinned. 

"we show them how a true team can win without tricks" Shiro grinned. 

"just dont get over excited before the game or we mess up more" Adam said with a small smile. 

"I'm so nervous, I think I might puke" Hunk said with a worried smile and Adam patted the big guy arm. 

"how can you be nervous we just playing the Galra and we won against them before" Lance smiled. 

"but we also lost to them, they play dirty" Hunk said with a frown. 

"its becuase they cant win without playing dirty, we just need to figure out what type of tricks they use in the game and learn to go around them" Matt said with a smile. 

"well I'm sure you boys will do great, I keep cheering for you guys even if you have a horrible beating" Pidge smirked making the boys smiles at her. 

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