chapter 2- goodnight

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They spent the whole night talking and catching up on each other. But now it was time for bed. Alec unpacked most of his stuff already and was now sitting on his old bed. He remembered the time where he used to play with Izzy and Jace till the sun set and his mother looking for them cuz she was scared they'd run away. Alec told her he'd never ever leave her, but then his parents got in a dicorce. Alec thought about the day when he left with his dad. Back then he wasn't aware of the fact that his life would change. He couldn't help but let a tear roll down his face.
He was exhausted and knew he really needed to sleep. But before he went to sleep, he walked to his mother's, amd probably luke's by now, room and knocked on the door. "Is everything alright?" He heard his mother ask with a caring voice. He missed her voice so much. "Yes, everything is fine. I just... can I come in for a second?" And a few seconds later the door was opened by his mother. He was immidiately greeted by a hug from his mother. "Do you need anything? Shall I make you some tea? Maybe that will help you sleep. Are you feeling well?" While saying that, she put the back of her hand on his forhead to check if he didn't have a fever. "Mom, I'm alright. I just wanted to say that I'm happy to be here with you" Maryse got tears in her eyes and she hugged him again. "I missed you too. So so so much. I love you, Alec. Are you sure you don't want to drink some tea with me? Maybe you're cold" Luke (who was reading before) stood up and asked "Maybe you want something to eat! I own a bakery and I have some delicious red velvet cake. Made this morning, by my own son. Well, he feels like a son to me. I'm sure you'll like it" "Well, I am not sure if I can resist that offer. Plus, I know that if I wait till tomorrow, Izzy probably already ate it sooo.... tea and cake?" Luke smiled and said "come on then" He gestured him to follow. Alec walked over to him mother "I really like Luke, you should keep him" he whispered and winked at his mother before following luke downstairs.

"There you go" Luke gave him his tea and cake. Alec took a bite of the cake and his eyes grew bigger. "Hhmmm! This really is good! I guess I'll have to meet the guy who made this someday" he laughed. "Told you. Actually, he goes to your new school and is in the same year as you are and he joins us for dinner once a week. But now it's time to go to bed, cause eventhough you're oficially an adult... you still need to rest and go to your new school tomorrow" "I guess you're right" Alec got up and grabbed the plate, but Luke stopped him. "No worries, I'll do that. Goodnight, Alec" Alec thanked him and gave him a hug and went to bed. He set his alarm at 07.00am and he fell in a deep sleep. Tomorrow was gonna be an exhausting day.

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