No Grandchild Of Mine.

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March 27, 1970
Long Island, New York

"Jasmine Sinclaire, I will not argue with you over this anymore! Give me that damn baby!"

"No papa! I want to keep her! She's mine!", the teenage girl cried in the backseat of the car as she held on tightly to her newborn baby girl who was barely hours old.

It was an unusually cold and rainy night in Long Island as the Hickey family sat in front of the Long Island Home for Orphaned Children.

"You cannot keep that thing. Now hand it over!", the girls father said in disgust as he yelled at her.

Jasmine only held on tighter to her blonde-haired baby who was wrapped tightly in a hospital blanket.

She didn't mean to get pregnant and give birth at sixteen years old. She only had sex just one time before finding out she was pregnant.

Thinking that she was in love, Jazmine had given her virginity to her crush who was also the most popular boy at her school. All of the girls wanted him.

His name was Marcus Carey and he had swooned Jazmine into thinking that he liked her back so that he could get into her panties and eventually left her hanging once she told him she was pregnant with his child.

Feeling helpless and scared, Jazmine hid her pregnancy for the entire nine months from wearing oversized shirts, hoodies, coats, and because her small frame hid her baby bump well.

Now here she was being forced to give up her child because of the way she looked when she came into the world. With Jasmine being black with some latino roots and Marcus being white, the baby girl was visibly biracial.

"Jazmine Sinclaire Hickey! Give me that damn mulatto baby before I lay hands on you! I'm not gonna sit in front of this damn orphanage all night. Me and your mother have to work in the morning!", he yelled, interrupting Jazmine from her thoughts.

"How dare you call her that! She is your grandchild! Mama please tell Daddy that I'm capable of taking care of her. I'll get a job and do anything that I have to just so I can keep her", Jazmine pleaded, but her mother remained silent, still in disbelief that her only daughter decided to make a stupid decision at such a young age.

"That is not my grandchild. No grandchild of mine will have white blood in them. That baby has been tainted with the devil's flesh. You slept with the enemy and now you will pay for it. Your lying and promiscuity shows that you can no longer be trusted. You're a white man's whore", Jasmine's father said in a dark tone before he finally snatched the baby from her arms causing the newborn to start crying.

"No papa! Let me keep my baby! I want to keep her!", Jazmine screamed as she watched her father get out the car with her baby.

She tried to open her door but he had already locked it including the rest of the doors.

She continued to scream and cry as she watched her father open the trunk of the car and pull out a picnic basket.

He put the baby inside, walked up to the doorstep of the orphange, and sat the basket right at the front door before returning to the car.

Jasmine rolled down the window and tried to climb out of it just so she could get to her baby but her father dragged her back into the car.

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