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Colt: Come one, come all to my dark and mysterious place of the macabre. BUT BE WARNED, ONCE YOU BARE WITNESS TO LIES BENEATH YOU MAY NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.
*Colt holds the door to the janitors closet open while wearing a jack skellington hoodie and happy tree friends tube socks purchased from Hot Topic during an Emily the Strange Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off sale*
Colt: Ok now, what seems to be the problem?
Akira: Ok so Debra, Morty, and I were at the cemetery, you know doing cemetery things when we noticed that a couple of bodies were missing from their graves.
Devin: wait Debra, Morty?
Colt: Wait what kind of cemetery things, like freaky things. Cause I got this new lube off the internet that's supposed to-
Akira: No not those kinds of things! Look bodies are going missing from their graves and we think it might be some paranormal shit.
Devin: Here you see these photos, last time I checked bodies aren't supposed to float.
Maggie: Yeah and Mister Akira killed a man and when we came back the body was gone like poof!
Colt: Hmm...missing corpses and floating bodies- *LOUD SCREAMING*
*they all run outside to see a woman screaming and pointing outside*
Devin: Hey wait aren't those the dogs you killed?!
Maggie: Yeah and that blind kid and those old ladies too.
*the corpses of dead dogs, a blind child, and old ladies float down the road*
Colt: They're all going in the same direction, we should follow them!
*the four of them follow the corpses*
Devin: No way we're back at the cemetery!
Mysterious Scary looking Girl: Absolutely incredible! Truly this is a sight to behold!
*a short, skinny girl in a long black dress watches as dead rats sink into the ground of the cemetery*
Colt: Hey Valrie! What are you doing here?
Valerie: Why hello there, president.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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