Chapter 19

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Gray's POV

Later that evening, we have gone to the resorts casino. It was decided a night in the hot tub to play drinking games again could wait until another night. The girls are all crowded around Cana, who is beating the dealers at their own game with whichever card game they are playing.

I'm sat at the bar with Gajeel, watching them from a distance. Gajeel has calmed down since earlier, but he still insists on talking to me about Juvia.

'You better not hurt her.' He says using a threatening tone.

'I never want to hurt Juvia, you know that Gajeel.'

'Do I? Because last time I saw you two together you wouldn't even look at each  other, and that was you're doing. And I know you two didn't speak while she was working. Are you gonna tell me what that was all about?' He gives me a stringent look.

'Fine. I've had feelings for Juvia for years, okay? And they only increased over this year while we've been living together, it got too much. I had been avoiding her a few weeks prior to your birthday. I was trying to distance myself. Before your party she confronted me about it and I snapped at her.' I explain. Gajeel grunts.

'Okay, but I don't believe a little argument would stop Juvia from trying to work things out with you. She's not one to hold a grudge, so what did you do that she refused to try and make things right again?' I was worried he'd ask me this, he knows his sister too well. I sigh.

'We had another argument the next morning, and Gajeel I will not tell you what it was about because I don't think Juvia would want me to. But I stepped way over the line, I said things that I really didn't mean. She was so angry with me, so mad that she started speaking in third person....' I wince at that memory, I hate reliving that night.

'You're really not selling yourself here stripper!' Gajeel glares at me, understandably.

'I know. But after speaking with Erza she pointed out that I was hurting Juvia and myself more by trying to not be together. And she was right.'

'You don't have the best reputation when it comes to girlfriends, you've been cold, and never showed them any affection......' I don't let him finish.

'Because they were not her.' I look over towards Juvia who is squealing excitedly with her arms up in the air, jumping around like a maniac at whatever Cana is doing. I smile at the scene. 'I admit, I was cruel to the other girls. I used them to try and feel something for someone else. It never worked, I never even wavered. No one can ever compare to that crazy woman over there.'

Gajeel's frown has turned into a smirk. 'You love her.'

My eyes widen and I can feel the heat coursing through my body. I don't respond, I don't deny it either.

'Have you told her that?' He asks. I shake my head.

'Gajeel, we have been officially together for all of three days. Even if I have felt that way for a long time, I think it's a bit early to be saying that to her.'

'Alright ice prick, I will trust you to be the one to make her happy, because she deserves nothing less. Just know that if you ever hurt her, I will beat you to a pulp.' He's voice is friendly but I believe every word he says.

'Please do,' I grin back at him. At that point Juvia runs over and clings on to my arm. I smile down at her.

'Are you done with threatening him yet Gajeel-kun? You are taking to long!' Juvia whines. Me and Gajeel both snort at her comment.

'Hey! Shouldn't you be saying 'stop threatening him'? Not 'you're taking too long to do it?' I ask her amused.

'Nope! There would be no point in stopping him completely,' she smiles back.

'I'm done Juvia, you can have him back. I'm gonna join the guys in their poker game, I got some butts to whoop' he wonders off with an evil grin on his face. 

Juvia repositions herself to stand between my legs and wraps her arms around my neck. I pull her closer by her waist.

'So, we can do this now, everybody knows,' I say in relation to our close proximity in public.

'Even so, I'm surprised you're allowing me this close. I thought you hated PDA?' She smirks at me. I grin right back at her.

'I don't have a problem when it's with you. In fact....' I lean into her neck and jaw to leave a few light kisses, 'I am struggling keeping my hands off you.' She immediately captures my lips but pulls away to quickly for my liking, as I am left chasing her lips. I give her a pout and she giggles.

'More later, I think we may kill Mira if we give her too much of one of her ships in one night,' she points over to Mira, she appears to be fangirling while looking at us. Both me and Juvia laugh. I lean into her again.

'So, I won the bet about Natsu, I believe I'm owed a reward. Fancy ditching everyone to go and pay up?' I whisper to her. She sniggers at me.

'That may have to wait until another time. Natsu has already had to take Lucy back to the room as she is too drunk. And trust me, you will not be able to keep quiet with what I'm planning on doing to you,' she breathes seductively in my ear. I immediately feel all my blood rush south. She raises an eyebrow at me in amusement, she's close enough to feel it.

'God damn it Juvia! Why do you always do this to me?' I groan frustratedly.

'Always?' Her head tilts to the side in question. I feel my face burning.

'Lets just say this wouldn't be the first time you've given me a boner in public. You've been doing it for a while.' That cheeky smirk returns to her face, but she is also sporting a light blush.

'Would it help if I told you there are plenty of times where I have been wet for you while out in public?' She says in a throaty whisper.

'No, that's really not helping! We may have to stay here for a while until I calm down,' I sigh and rest my forehead on her shoulder while she giggles. 'You're mean.'

'I'm sorry.......Gray-sama.' 

Damn seductress. 

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