Would you mind (Nick)

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It's Friday night and I wasn't planning on going anywhere unlike everyone else I know. I'm not really the type to go out. I'd rather stay at home, eat, and watch a movie. So that's what I decided to do tonight. I grabbed a blanket and pillows, grabbed a tub of ice cream, and looked for a movie to watch. I chose to watch "Someone great." As soon the movie starts of course someone calls me. 

I check the caller ID, It's my friend Haley. "Y/n I'm going to the club you're coming with me." 

"No. I don't want come." 

"You're coming. I'll pick you up in an hour be ready." Well I guess I'm going to the club. Yay. Now I have to look presentable or whatever. I have no idea what to wear or how to do my makeup and hair cause I've never been to the club. I ended up choosing a black dress and black knee high boots.

 I ended up choosing a black dress and black knee high boots

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I just finished getting ready and I hear my doorbell ring. I went downstairs and open the door. "Omg. You look so cute!! This is so weird I never seen you in heels before."

 "Haha yeah I know. They hurt so much and I've only had em on for like 15 minutes." 

"It's ok you'll get through it. Anyways let's go." The ride to the club was fun. Haley and I were singing the whole way there. The club on the other hand was not so fun. It was loud and crowded. We decided to go get some drinks. Haley went to go dance and I just sat there.

 Nick's POV

My friends and I walked into the club. It's what we did every Friday night. Zion and I went to go get the drinks while Edwin, Brandon, and Austin sat down. Zion was ordering the drinks and I just stood there. I looked to my left and I saw the most beautiful girl. She looked like a goddess. I couldn't stop staring. I almost didn't even notice Zion tapping me on the shoulder. "Nick. Nick. Nick!" 

"Oh I'm sorry what." 

"The drinks. I can't take em all." 

"Oh yeah sorry. We walked back with the drinks in our hands and we sat down. I still couldn't stop look at her. She was just so stunning. 

3rd person

Brandon: Oooooo Nick's got a crush.

Nick: No I don't.

Austin: yeah you do it's so obvious

Edwin: just admit it


Zion: Ask her to dance with you.

Nick: No

Brandon/Edwin/Austin/Zion: Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

Zion: Do it or imma do it.

Nick: Fine

Zion: Thank me later!

Nick walked toward her. He was nervous. He was contemplating whether to back out or not but he was already in front of the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen so he couldn't back down now.

Nick: Hey, I'm Nick.

Y/N: Hi, I'm y/n.

Nick: That's a nice name.

Y/N: Haha thanks. You too


This guy walked up to me. He was the cutest guy I have ever seen. He said "Hi, I'm Nick." Nick. Wow he's cute. I forgot to reply to him for like 5 seconds. We talked for a bit. Haley came was walking towards us. She looked tired so I assumed we were going to leave. "I have to go." "Wait! Before you leave would you mind if I danced with you?" One dance wouldn't hurt. And anyways how could I say no to him. We made our way to the dance floor and started dancing. I'm a pretty bad dancer but he was amazing so he guided me. Haley finally came to me to say we were leaving. I checked the time and I couldn't believe that Nick and I had been dancing for an hour. It only felt like a few minutes had gone bye. I said bye to Nick. Thinking I'd probably never seen him again. As I was about to walk out Nick ran to me and gave me his number. I know I hate clubs but this was one of the best nights of my life.

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