Chapter 5: Of Mages and Magisters

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Cullen –

Something is wrong with the Lord Seeker. I enclosed a full report to Leliana but I cannot stress enough as to how different he's become. If I had not been there to see it for myself, I never would've believed the things he said. Even if the Herald persists in recruiting the mages, you and I must find out what's happened to the templars. The entire Order couldn't have descended into madness with the Lord Seeker.

As for Redcliffe, the mages have deceived us yet again. Fiona—or a very convincing imposter—asked us to come, but when we met with her, she claimed to have no memory of it. Instead on negotiating with us, they have sold themselves to the Imperium. They protest so much against the abuses of the Circle, and yet they willingly turn themselves into slaves. I cannot understand it.

To Fiona's credit, she seems as disgusted and baffled by it as we are. It repulses her to even speak of it despite having chosen the arrangement. Has the entire world gone mad? Or is this a trick? A show she is putting on for her new masters?

The Herald has shown some improvement in her abilities, though I sometimes wonder what influence Varric is having over her during all their late night conversation that I, apparently, am not allowed to listen to. But I fear her spirit is failing. We discovered the true source of the oculara last night and it took the Herald several hours to recover from her outbur sickne emotional state. She's already issued orders to destroy any that are found so they can never be used. I don't know if that kind of passion will help us or hinder us.

We are to meet with a Tevinter mage in a few hours. I have already alerted the scouts in the area that they are to return to Haven immediately if anything should happen to us. Be well, Cullen, and do not neglect to practice the exercises I showed you. You may not like them but they will help with the soreness.

Maker be with you.


Commander –

We may have to put archery lessons on hold. The mages here are in need of urgent help. Cassandra insists on returning to Haven to speak things over but I don't think we'll have time for anything else. Please don't tell anyon

When we

I didn't mean to sou

Thank you for talking with me the other day.


This ended up being much shorter than I'd planned.

Cullen chuckled softly at Kaitlyn's last line. A whole scroll of parchment and that was all she had to say. Cassandra, on the other hand, had written an exhaustive amount of notes on the backside of her letter, detailing the routines of the party, which attacks they tended to use, and all accounts of injury: two stubbed toes, a broken finger, a mild burn on one leg, and a series of paper cuts. And that was just for Varric.


Cullen glanced up from where he sat in the Chantry. "Yes?"

A soldier—was his name Mayhew or Matthews?—came barreling through the doors, his face coated in some dark, sticky substance that oozed down his face like heated tar and stank like a latrine on a hot day. Cullen tried not to breathe when he drew near.

"Ser, please tell me that we can get rid of that knife-ea—that elf woman."

Cullen stared at him dryly. "Sera was invited by the Herald to stay here." He took a small step back, fighting not to gag at the stench. It was somehow getting worse with every passing second. "And I suggest you refer to her as Sera from now on."

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