Chapter 6: A Dark Future

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Kaitlyn clenched her hands to keep them from shaking. The halls echoed with her footsteps and she couldn't keep from glancing over her shoulder to ensure that Varric and Blackwall were still at her back. Shadows stretched to every corner. They layered over each other, spreading out as though to claim the hallway and all those within.

"Anybody else getting incredibly creeped out?" Varric asked under his breath.

"I feel like we're being watched," Blackwall said.

Varric chuckled bitterly. "Watched. Studied. Scrutinized. Dissected."

"Quiet," Kaitlyn hissed as they neared the doors at the very heart of the castle. Alexius had even gone through the trouble of placing the Inquisition's symbol on the wall. Cute.

Two sets of guards, dressed in white and gold cut in a classical Tevinter style, stood on the other side along with a Ferelden man in a pale blue tunic that matched his eyes. Gereon and Felix Alexius sat side by side near the fireplace with Fiona an arm's reach away. Kaitlyn had expected an army: soldiers and weapons and threats and glares. This emptiness was worse.

"Announce us," she told the Ferelden man.

He stepped forward. "The magister's invitation was for Mistress Trevelyan alone."

Mistress Trevelyan. Kaitlyn smiled at that. Alexius had likely intended it to be an insult—a way to put her in her place—but she preferred not having a fancy title attached to her name. 'Herald' was far too heavy for anyone to haul around all day.

"Are you sure about that?" she asked. "I could've sworn that it said The Herald of Andraste plus two. My mistake. We'll be taking our leave then." She gave him the most illustrious curtsy she knew, sweeping all the way down to the floor, before turning to leave.

"Wait!" He yelled before she'd even taken her first step. "Your... guests are welcome to accompany you, Lady Trevelyan."

Mistress to Lady. Hopefully, the promotion was a good sign and not an indication that someone was about to shoot her with an arrow. Falling back so that she and the others were walking side by side, the three of them approached Gereon together.

"Ah, my friend," Gereon said, getting to his feet. "It's so good to see you again. Now that you've finally arrived, I believe we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement concerning the mages here."

"Wait!" Fiona stepped forward. "Us? Your meeting is about us?"

"You turned your followers over to my care, Fiona." Gereon's words carried a slight snarl. "There is no 'us' in this. You have already given up that right."

Fiona trembled in indignation. She opened her mouth as though to protest again then went unnaturally still. Her hand come up to her forehead and her eyes shut as though trying to recall a memory she'd buried long ago. Gereon waved a hand and two of his guards escorted Fiona to a more isolated corner.

"Now then," Gereon said, settling back into his overly-carved chair. "We both know that the Inquisition needs mages to close the Breach and I have them. What shall you offer in exchange?"

Kaitlyn smiled, lips pressed tightly together. Count to a hundred. That's what Leliana had told her when they'd parted ways at the castle doors. Count to a hundred and we will be there.

She was only at eighty-nine.

"Well?" he asked.


Kaitlyn tapped her chin, making a low humming sound as though she were thinking it over. Ninety-four.

"You see, Gereon. May I call you Gereon? Or is it strictly Magister Alexius?"

Breaking the Divide (remastered) - Cullen RutherfordTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon