Sex Drive

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Jade's POV.
I love watching her drive.  The way her hands wrap around the steering wheel, her slender fingers loosely gripping the leather-bound frame, tapping along to the beat of the music coming from the car speakers as she drives us home.  She does it steadily even on a dark, freezing motorway where boy racers compete recklessly against the powerful engine of her four by four.
"Twat" she states, her voice remaining calm as another dickless wonder in an old Fiesta with gold alloys swerves across in front of us.
I get a chill and shiver as she pushes down on the accelerator, overtaking him in a couple of swift moves.  Smiling across at me she turns the aircon up, warmth flooding the vehicle and me body at the same time.
"You know you're so sexy when you drive"
The words spill from my mouth in a breathy sigh before I can stop meself.  Nice one Jade, very smooth.
"Oh yeah?  Do you need me to pull over right now or can you wait until we get home?"
She laughs, low and dirty.  I feel my cheeks heating up, hoping that between the tilt of my baseball cap and the shadows of the car she can't see the blushes forming.
"Maybe you should get yourself on Top Gear, you're a good driver, that's all" I try to explain with a nonchalant shrug, shoving my hands deep into the pockets of me hoodie.
"Ha! You're such a cutie" she counters.
"Especially when you blush" she adds huskily.
The situation is this, we've been rehearsing for the new tour all day.  My feet ache and my limbs are all floppy.  I should be thinking about grabbing a quick bath and sliding into my Pjs before bed not getting fucked by her wonderful fingers.  I can't help it though.  My libido has other ideas.  Ideas that form into a memory as I gaze out of the tinted window...
Summer two thousand and fourteen, somehow we've managed to get away for an extended weekend break.  Four entire days alone together, a miracle considering the band's schedule.  Just me and her in the little holiday cottage she's rented for us.  The place is secluded, overlooking a small but private beach, ideal for a couple of BFF's who don't want any awkward questions asked.

I'm stretched out on the warm sand, eyes closed, working on my tan when I feel a handful of water being chucked against my chest.
"Fuckk! Pez!" I protest, sitting up and looking down at my now drenched bikini.
"Told you that you should've come swimming with me, as you can see the water's lovely" she teases, offering me her hand.
Instead of letting her help me up I tug at her hand and, caught off balance, she falls into me arms with a squelch and a yelp.  Rolling her onto her back I straddle her wet body, me bum resting on her bikini bottoms.
"All the sand's stuck to me and you're crushing my bits" she moans, giving us a frown and a pout.
"What bits?  These ones?" I kid, grinding my bum against her mound.
"Stop it" she groans, slapping me on the arse much to my delight.
"You might get more than you bargained for" she continues with a slight smile.
"Sounds good to me pet"
I lean down over her, me hair curtaining us from the outside world as I bring our lips together for a soft kiss.  She kisses me back for a few seconds before gently pushing me off her.
"We shouldn't do this out here" she warns, "it's too dangerous"
Seeing the disappointment on my face she motions towards the cottage with her head.
"Let's go back inside, you can help me clean the sand off in the shower"
Five minutes later I'm stood in the large cubicle, enjoying the feel of the water on my bare skin.  She's discarded her bikini top on the fluffy bathmat and she tuts as she tries to ease out a knot in her bottoms.
"I love these power showers" I state, sneaking a look at her near naked body.  Catching me gaze she grins at me.
Standing beneath the spray I tilt my head backwards, opening mycmouth to catch some of the water.  I fill me cheeks, spurting it at her face in a high velocity stream.
"Bitch!" she squeals, rolling down the offending bottoms and kicking them off, "I'll get you for that"
"Oh aye"
She snarls out the last word with so much conviction, her eyes so wide and wild that I start giggling and that's when she launches herself forward, pinning me to the far wall of the shower.
"Ahh! Perrie! Nooo! Stop!"  I clutch her hands, trying to prise them from tickling my sides.
"What's the magic word?!" she toys with us, clearly enjoying herself.
"I love you!!!" I screech
"Close enough" she grins, her forehead resting against mine as our eyes meet again.
"God I love you Thirwall"
Her half-whispered confession and the kiss that follows takes me even more by surprise than the tickles.  Her lips feel so good pressed against mine, her tongue soon angling for entry into my mouth.  It's a long while since the first time we did this but somehow it still always feels like that.  New, fresh, exciting.  The next logical step on from our friendship.
I'm jerked out of me thoughts as Perrie brings both hands up, cupping my breasts and kneading them roughly, her kisses getting more urgent by the second.  I don't consider myself a pushover but I'm happy to let her take control, so long as it means I can get more time alone with her.
She continues kissing me, hard and forceful, her mouth eventually finding its way down to my breasts.  I moan quietly, hands by my sides, my fingers clawing at the oversized tiles behind us as she takes a stiffened peak into her mouth.  Sucking harshly she wedges a firm thigh between my legs, her body weight and that one thigh the only thing stopping us from sliding to the floor.  Gazing up at me she moves a little, her stare intensifying, watching my reaction as she switches breasts, and presses her one thigh that bit further up until I can grind against it.
Nails gripping the gap between each tile I tilt my hips forward, rolling them as I would on stage, slow and sensual.  My centre drags along the smooth length of her thigh, each movement pulling us closer to the edge, my clit tingling and throbbing as I coat her leg with my wetness.
"That feels so good" I sigh as Perrie brings her lips back to mine, kissing me briefly but passionately.
Nuzzling her face into the curve of my neck, her hands tighten on my hips, guiding me as our bodies slip slide against one another, skin against hot wet skin. She's closed the gap between us and I take her in me arms, hanging onto her, grinding harder and faster.  I can't stifle my groans any longer, the storm within me swirling, raging to get out.   She murmurs more encouraging words.  Her deep, velvety voice and my final desperate thrusts combine into an explosion of epic proportions.  My legs are like jelly, fingers and toes curling as my body spasms and I throw me head back, a loud cry leaving me mouth, hot waves of pleasure shooting outward from my very core.
She keeps holding me up, placing soft kisses on my shoulder as I come round from me delirium, random strands of soaked hair plastered to my face.  Once I've found my feet she gives me a self-satisfied grin,
"Now how's about you help me with that sand problem?"

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