Spiked Heels and...Lingerie?

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When the girls are supposed to have their first day off in months. What will happen when Perrie is called in to the studio to re record some of her parts of songs for their new album. Set before the release of LM5

Jade stirred and fought the urge to open her eyes as she heard perrie's voice in the distance. Her hand reached out to perrie's side of the bed, confirming what she already knew, Perrie was out of bed and talking on the phone.  
"Are you pulling my leg?" Perrie's voice indicated an annoyance, "What could possibly be so important that I have to come in on my day off?"
Reluctantly, Jade opened one eye and glanced at the clock, groaning as she realised that it was only seven in the morning. They'd been out most of the night celebrating Leigh-Anne's birthday and both had had their fair share of alcohol. She rolled over to face the door when she heard Perrie end her phone call. They'd both been looking forward to spending the day together since it was the first time in a while that They had managed to bag a day off. From the sounds of it though, Jade concluded that they were going to have to take a rain check on their plans.
When she heard the door creak open, she rolled onto her side and propped her head up with her hand. Perrie, expecting Jade to still be asleep, tried her best to keep quiet as she slipped into the bedroom.
"Who was on the phone?"
Perrie's hand flew to her chest when she felt her heart leap into her throat. Clearly amused at scaring her girlfriend, Jade snickered. The noise elicited a frown and an incoherent complaint from the younger girl.
"Our manager," Perrie began, "he wants me to go into the studio for a couple of hours to re-record some things for the album."
Jade did nothing to hide her disappointment. Today was going to be their first day together in a very long time. Feeling guilty, Perrie rushed over to the bed and sat down beside the older woman. She swept her hand along Jade's upper arm and pouted slightly.
"I'm sorry, baby."
She knew it wasn't Perrie's fault. They couldn't pick and choose when they worked, and she knew from past experience that if you were being called into work on a day off that it was something important. Jade reached across and gently squeezed Perrie's thigh.
"Don't worry about it," she offered a small smile, "you will be back in no time."
"I better be or I'm going to go crazy."
Feeling a little deflated, Jade watched as Perrie disappeared into the bathroom to get ready. She rolled onto the back and stared up at the ceiling, listening to the sound of the running shower. They were supposed to be going out for lunch somewhere nice and then taking a road-trip to the coast. If Perrie wasn't going to be back for a few hours, she knew that there would be no point in going because they would only hit traffic.
Jade pulled the duvet up towards her chin and closed her eyes. It didn't take long to fall back to sleep, imagining that Perrie was still curled up in bed beside her.
Jade had been awake for ten minutes when her phone buzzed on the bedside cabinet. She stretched across, grabbed it, unlocking it. It was a message from Perrie.
'Looks like I'm going to be longer than planned. I'm sorry. Xx'
She was disappointed but there was nothing either of them could do. Jade thought for a second before typing out a response.
'It's ok babe. I will just entertain myself. Xx'
There was washing and ironing that had to be done, and Jade was certain that there were dirty dishes in the sink. Doing chores wasn't her idea of a fun day but it was better than doing nothing and stewing in her own boredom.
Just as she was about to get out of bed and head for a shower, her phone vibrated again. She opened up the message and chuckled deeply.
'Is this your idea of punishment? Xx'
Perrie always had her mind in the gutter. Instead of correcting her girlfriend, Jade typed out another message with a cheeky little smile on her face.
'If you were at home, you could be watching right now. Xx'
It took less than a minute for Perrie to respond.
'If I was at home, you wouldn't be doing it yourself. Stop being a tease'
She couldn't remember the last time they'd had sex. They were both always too tired when They got in from work and when they weren't, One of them wasn't in the mood. Sometimes They both liked to spend the day sending dirty texts, promising to do this and that when they got home, only for one of them pass out when their head hit the pillow. If They didn't love each other as much, they would be angry.
Just as her thoughts drifted into dangerous territory, her phone suddenly started to ring. She answered it without checking the caller I.D, expecting it to be Perrie.
"Hi sexy," Jade greeted in a very gravelly voice, "I hope I'm not turning you on too much."
There was a long pause on the other end of the phone, "Oh yeah, I'm so wet."
Jade almost dropped her phone in horror. How embarrassing. Her face turned bright red when she heard Jesy's cackle on the other end of the phone.
"I take it you've been sending dirty's to Pez?"
"I'm so sorry, Jesy," Jade gushed, "I should really check caller I.D. next time."
"Don't worry about it," Jesy chuckled, "What are you up to, other than the obvious?"
Thankful for the change in conversation, Jade sighed loudly and moaned: "Nothing, I'm so bored. Perrie. has been called into work today, even though it's supposed to be our day off."
"Aw, why don't you go and see her?"
Jade pondered the idea before concluding that she'd just get in the way, "I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want to be a distraction."
"Maybe she wants a distraction," Jesy said as she threw back with a short laugh, "Especially if she's so turned on."
Jade blushed crimson, "Jesy..." she began, but the brunette cut her off.
"Think about it. If she turned up at studio while you were in, in nothing but sexy lingerie and high heels, you'd be drooling."
She did have a point. Jade climbed out of bed and walked over to her chest of drawers. "I'm going to go Jesy."
"Are you doing what I said?"
"Bye Jesy," Jade said with a laugh. Before Jesy could argue, she had disconnected the call and tossed her phone to the side. Today was going to be a fun day.
Deciding to follow Jesy's advice for once, Jade rummaged through her underwear drawer for something sexy to wear. It took a while but she finally found a red lacy number that Perrie had bought her for Christmas a couple of years ago. Once she'd had shower and shaved her legs, Jade put the lingerie on and stood in front of the full-length mirror. She ran her hands over her stomach and pouted slightly. She really needed to hit the gym sometime; she was definitely piling on the pounds. Happy with the way she looked; Jade pulled on an every-day outfit but remembered to shove some heels into a bag.

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