Chapter 3 - Partners

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"I'm just saying! Even if the lady did see what happened, the defense will rip her apart."

Oliver ranted, foot pressed against the dashboard of his partner's car as his hand hung out the window beside him, cigarette burning and held tight between his fingers. The smoke blew in the wind, opposite to the direction of the car only to disperse and fade into obscurity along with the dark night.

"Who said she needs to be on trial? You are thinking way too far ahead. She just needs to point us in the right direction." Hiroki countered.

"I'm more frustrated about being empty handed than anything. When our case depends on a girl who can barely interpret what reality is, I start to get nervous."

"Well, you've got that dust you picked up from the garbage can, don't you?"

"Yeah," Oliver scoffed. "That sounds really fucking promising Hiroki. Hell, what do you think will get us farther? A pile of dust or a girl who is going straight to the psych ward after our interview?"

Hiroki simply sighed at the words, glancing out his side window.

"I see your point, but it's not like the girl is incapable. She's a person just like you and me."

Oliver took a drag of his cigarette, furrowing his brows as he glanced over at Hiroki.

"I'm not trying to be an asshole Hiroki, I'm just trying to be rational. Do I think she's seeing shit all the time? No. But if a schizophrenic girl is going through something traumatic, even subtle differences in her perception of reality could point us in the wrong direction. Hell, even a mentally well person could mess us up. Why do you think witnesses are the weakest form of-"

"Like I said, we just need her to point us in the right direction. Not to be evidence, but note taken."

"Well my point still stands. She could easily point us into an extra month of work."

Hiroki rolled his eyes, focusing back on the road ahead. They had been cruising through downtown Tokyo at a steady pace, only a few cars out and about. It had mostly been taxis, picking up those just getting out of the club after a late night of booze and screwing around. The sky was lit up with a hologram, broadcasting the nightly news along with scenes and information about the case that the two detectives had currently been working on. A middle aged man would robotically inform his city, completing duties of his own despite the population being far too caught up in the current events of their own lives to pay any attention.

Oliver had been a bit puzzled by Hiroki, his eyes occasionally glancing over at his partner. He settled on staring ahead, deciding to confront the other detective.

"You know, for once you've been acting like a total downer ever since we investigated the crime scene. So, what the hell happened?"

Hiroki stared ahead as well, frown plastered on his face as the car picked up speed just a little. His eyes glared down the road, Akiyama's grip on the wheel tightening.

"If I told you, you'd believe I was the mentally ill one."

"I doubt it. You are far more stable compared to most people I know."

Hiroki had taken a sigh, shutting his eyes a brief moment to take in those words. As the two slowed to a red light, the dim reflection of burning ruby reflected off their faces. The tall man driving turned to face Oliver, hands dropping to his lap.

"Ren's body. It spoke to me back there." He confessed.

Oliver quickly turned his head, his brows raising as his lips parted in their own fit of surprise. There was a moment of silence, crisp in both detectives ears as they shared a stare for perhaps a moment too long.

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