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How many of you still support/want Jalbert ?

Like,  I "liked" the ship but this book is the only thing I do that is Jalbert qnd even then this book is now more about just Albert.
I liked Albert and Jake's videos,  they were funny,  and so I have made chapters about them not seeming to be friends anymore but I don't really do the whole Jalbert thing anymore.

I would leave this at 69 words but I still have stuff to say (even though who the fuck is actually going read ALL of this).

I've said it before but I'll say it again: I never saw Jalbert really happening,  I mainly just liked the stories. I am a sucker for fluff and some of the Jalbert stories were pretty good.

But with Albert and Jake not making videos together anymore and not talking (publicly) anymore,  how many of you still support Jalbert and/or want Jalbert to happen ?

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