the tour

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your driving down a long drive way, trees with no leaves on either side of the road since its winter with a whole bunch of nothingness behind it. you turn around to see how long you really hav been driving, theres nothing there, just black dark mists. you pull up to this round about and go around i twice before you stop right in front of the biggest, darkest, broken mansion that suddenly appeared. thats when your friends and mother apear in the car. they get out the car but you stay in simply because you dont want to deal with this shit. 

you turned your head the look out the window and see the gates shutting. you think 'why do you need to shut the gates when theres nothing behind it?' the're shutting slowly creaking as they go, they smash shut and once they do the long drive way slowly comes in vision.

"come on y/n" your best friend says as she pulls you out of the car.

"jesus! b/f/n! why wou-" you stop as you turn around only to see a tall man with few hairs on his head wearing a black suit next to all our bags of clothes and once you saw him everthing else turned black and white except my red bag. but no one is noticing this.

"what the fuck is going on" you said as do a 360 to turn back to the man. he slowly bends down to get close to you face. nose to nose. he says. 

"hey, are you y/n" he said in a raspy voice.

"yes" you said hesitantly. he looked in your eyes a little longer, tilting his head slightly to the left smirking and chuckling softly, his disgusting breath wafting in your face. he throws his long and skinny arm to the left showing to a small gate that opened slightly. your mum was the first to walk through, then your two best friends. you follow because you  can feel the anger fuming in this man. he trails behind you.

once you got through the heavy wooden gate you see sharp vines along the side of the house. as everyone walk further along the house you see a large square hole at the bottom of the wall with steel rails coming out and continuing around the trees and into the sky. the man walk beside it. the hole was as tall as him which was really tall.

he banged on the brick wallwith his fist once, then twice the twice again then five times. a screeching sound came from inside and out came a rickety old cart with four small rows. 'fuck  its perfectly our size for us all to go in' i thought. the man throws my mum in the back, my two bestfriend in the two middle rows and he smiles at me as he grabs me at the waist and and chucks me in as i struggle. he waves goodbye creeply and a huge smile on his face and says "beware of the stoneclaw" 

as we suddenly shhot off around the tree and all of i sudden rocketing in the sky. i was sure we were going to fall off. but we didnt we turned a corner really fast. i turned around to see how everyone was doing and the looks on the faces were truly terrifying ... they werent scared at all they were just smiling and sight seing point at stuff that wasnt there and there faces were basically falling off from how fast we were going. i turned back aroung and started seing everything get dark i looked up and saw the sky go from day to night in the matter of three seconds. we start slowing down and i look straight ahead to see the mansion ahead with another perfectly square hole but higher up this time, it was on the top floor. i squint my eyes and kind of edge off my seat to see whats in there, were slowly and roughly start stopping as we get in the house.

"of course weve broken down" b/f/n 1 said we all nodd

"yeah but it apart of the amazing theme theyve got going on" b/f/n 2 said everyone else agrees and starts talking about how cool the guy is as you inch towards b/f/n 2 and lean closer to look at them in the eyes with confusion, they just stare back smiling completly calm. he asks "are you alright y/n" you squint your eyes and lean back and you must have blinked your eyes about 100 times fury bubbling up your throat "okay then imma get us out of here, shall i?" you say frustrated, looking in the dark cart trying to find something to see with. you brush you hand under the seat and find a torch, you brush your fingers around finding the switch, you found it you turn it on and look around. you look down at the steel railing and see youve hit a dead end anyway so it didnt matter if you had broken down or not. you do a 180 to see a way out, theres a big black staircase with red carpeting. you start walking over and all of a sudden the chattering of everyone stops.

you turn around you find you mum, mouth wide open triffied and your friends are gone. you look at her and ask where they are franticly she started cry and said she just saw a green flash and they  were gone then she said she felt a cold  scratch, like something steel had cut her in her back. you check and her blood running down her shirt you cover your mouth in fear, she stands up and helps you and too and starts walking down the stairs. we both look down the railings, there were about 150 levels of stairs

time skip. *coz thats how it happened in the dream weirdly*

you and your mums are at the last level but you stop to look at the big wall

you and your mums are at the last level but you stop to look at the big wall

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*think of what the dogs doing but scarier*

you see one of your friends on the ground and you go to run after the but you feet arent moving. you and your mum trun your head to the right (left if your looking at the picture without flipping it) you see both of your best friends clothes hanging on the wall, b/f/n 1s clothes covered in blood, next to it apeared your mums favorite outfit on the wall. b/f/n 2 started waking up he looked scared and almost got up when a big bang came from across the room. a door swung open you and your mum duck down  behind the stair railing you see a black mist move across towards b/f/n 2 he looks at you sadly and mouth the words "its okay, ill get you home" he nodds even sadder he knew something you didnt. the black mist get towards him completely covering him you cant see b/f/n 2 anymore. the mist turns in a man with steel claws and he gabs b/f/n 2 by the rists and pulls him across the hall. 'snap' your mums ankles clicked *god stop being so old mother* the man looks upp and i see a flash of what he looks like. he has bright green eyes black ropes metal neck and greasy hair. he turns back and pulls b/f/n 2 into a room. 

feet can move again. you run down the last staircase and before you got to the door you stopped as you looked on the wall with all the clothes and see from the roof blood was dripping down b/f/n 2s favorit outfit.

"my clothes are up there too what if something happens to me?!" you mum screeches you look over to her. she still standing where we were, i started walking towards her. 

"im going to die arent i?" she asked.

"no your no-" you tried to say but you couldnt. she was to scared. you went to hug her, but beofre you could 'CRACK' your mother screams. she had fallen through a trap door. all of a sudden you stuck again, standing on the staircase. you turn back to the wall with the clothes once again blood dripping onto your mums clothes and next to that your clothes start showing up, 'BANG' the door swung open.

a/n then i woke up. soz. probably really bad but yeah. also ik its kinda confusing. again i didnt edit it ahha.     

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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