chapter 1

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(If you wanna go stright to the sex part it's the last one)    That's all I heard coming from the next room. I live in a very in a  apartment building in uptown L.A and my neighbor is very slutish.
I never met him but I know he has a new girl over his house everytime.
How do I know this because he is always saying different names.
This is the first night he has actually slept with the girl, usually the girls he brings over our just really loud.
I tried to cover the sound out as best as I can but it isn't working
Finally I'm over it. "This man is gonna get a peice of my mind today!" I say in anger. I have a conference meeting tomorrow and I can't present my pitch if I'm being kept up all night.  I put on my robe and slippers and walk out the door. As I get closer to my neighbors door i hear music

Yea that type of music but it doesn't stop me. I pound on his door as hard as I can then it opens.

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