Chapter 1 - What A Time

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You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever.

- Julia Michaels


4 years later

Odette POV

"I need these designs in by tomorrow. No excuses. The future of this company depends on your hard work, make me proud."

"Yes, Ms. Cadwell." They all answered in unison, before shuffling out of the meeting room.

As soon as everyone was out of sight, I fell back in my chair and groaned. I rested my elbows on the table, and put head in my hands, rubbing my temples. I could already feel the incoming headache. I absolutely despised the hecticness of our annual fashion show. No amount of extra preparation ever made any difference it was always a disaster the week before. And being the CEO of the company fuking sucked sometimes. Despite that, I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I was living my dream. I was finally happy. Meeting Luka had inspired me greatly. After I came back from Italy, I took out a big a*s loan and opened my fashion company. It skyrocketed, and here I am.

Oh Luka. How I missed him. After that night, we both parted ways and haven't seen each other since. There wasn't any bad blood between us, we just had to get back to the real world. Luka and I never tried to make things work anyways, I live in New York and he lives in Seattle. There really was no hope for us. Despite my acceptance of our seperation, my feelings for him never dimmed. I still loved him. And I prayed to the moon that we would meet once more. I was certain that he was my soulmate, absolutely no doubt about it.

Although I knew that him and I were meant to be, I still went on a couple of dates. Can you blame me though? I can't have my life on hold forever. Albeit, the guys that I had gone out with just didn't even come close to him.

My daydream was cut short when my secretary walked into the room.

"Ma'am the show is sold out!" She exclaimed.

"WHAT?! You're kidding, Lena. Are you serious?! This is great news!" I was over the moon. This is the first show that would be completely sold out.

"Not kidding, Ms. Cadwell. This is great, isn't it?"

"Of course, Lena! Oh my, I have to call Elena. Thank you, Lena, you may go back to work."

I waited until she closed the door to squeal and jump around the room. I was ecstatic.

I quickly went into the elevator, and back to my office to call my best friend. I called and she picked up on the first ring.

"What's up, Detta?" her voice sounded through the speaker.

"THE SHOW IS FULLY BOOKED, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?" I shouted, not caring if anyone heard.

" This calls for celebration! I'll swing by at 8, and we can go out for dinner?"

"For sure, El, I'll see you later, bye"

"Bye, Detta!"

And with that the call ended. I couldn't wait until tonight. This was going to be amazing.


Meanwhile in Seattle

Luka POV

"Your final projects are due two weeks from now. Fail to submit it on time, and you will, without a doubt, fail my class. I have given you enough time to complete it," I said sternly. "Thank you, guys. Class dismissed."

Thankfully, all the students filed out of the room fairly quick, leaving me to my thoughts. I had so much grading to do it was comical. I was extremely stressed. I had to have it all done by today, since I had my trip to New York tonight.

At the thought of New York, Odette immediately crossed my mind. How I missed her. I can't believe that we had voluntarily chosen to completely cut ties after that day. Even then, I had tried to change her mind, that we could do long distance. She obviously didn't agree. It's alright, I guess. If we're meant to be, then we'll find our way back to each other.

I shook my head and got back to work, if I was going to make my flight at 3:30pm, I was going to have to focus.

So I did.


New York Airport

I had finally made it to New York after a grueling 5 and a half hour flight. I tried to rest up, but the snoring man next to me made it absolutely impossible. I got my luggage, hailed a cab, gave him the directions to my hotel, and I was off.

After another 2 hours in the unforgiving New York traffic, I was finally in my hotel. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and knocked out.


The next day

I had absolutely nothing to do today, so I decided to be a tourist and walk around the city. There were so many beautiful women that had approached me on the short walk to the cafe that I was currently sat at. I had considered this one busty brunette. She had pretty enough features. Big eyes, shiny hair, plump lips, curvy hips, and long legs. Every man's dream. I just couldn't. She wasn't Odette.

Odette had big, almond-shape, brown eyes. Her hair was mid length, pin straight, and a rich brown. I remember running my hands through her hair, the smell of vanilla was subtle yet it wrapped around me, and held me captive. She was fairly short. Maybe 5'1 or 5'2. But that didn't make her petite. Her breasts and hips were big and womanly. I remember the curve of her waist, and caressing it over and over again that night. I groaned out loud, making a few people in the cafe look at me.

I blushed and looked down. Knowing that my nether regions were, in fact, solid by now. I got up, and rushed to the bathroom. I adjusted myself, and walked out of the bathroom like nothing had happened. As I was walking out this little figure ran in, bumped straight into my legs, and fell back. I crouched down to make sure the small boy was okay. He was about three, with big grey eyes, and a pale skin tone. I was stunned, he looked quite like me. I shook off the thought and helped him up.

"Hey, little man. Are you alright?" I asked.

He just rubbed his bum, and his eyes started tearing up.

Panicking, I asked him if he wanted ice cream. He responded with a nod, so I picked him up and held him up to look at the flavors. He pointed at his chosen flavor and I nodded.

"Can I have a chocolate cone, please?" I asked the teenager behind the counter.

She got to work. And when she was about to hand it to me the door opened in a rush and in came a very flustered woman.

"Nick, Nick, are you here?" The woman looked around, not quite facing me yet. The little boy in my arms squirmed, and shouted "Mommy!" So I put him on the floor, and he waddled towards her, while she crouched down and hugged him to her.

"Oh my baby, don't ever run away again, you hear me?" she scolded him.

he just nodded and started pointing at me. The small woman turned around, and as soon as we locked eyes, I knew it was her. My love, Odette.




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