Chapter 2 - Like To Be You

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"There's nothing left to say,

let's call a truce"

Like To Be You - Shawn Mendes, Julia Michaels


Odette POV

There was so much going through my mind. After four long years, we meet again. On top of that, he's meeting our son. I was screaming falling apart on the inside. What was I going to do? Is he going to figure it out? I'm an idiot of course he's going to figure it out, they look exactly the same.

I stared at him flabbergasted for a solid two minutes, him giving me a strange look.

"Luka? What are you doing here?" I asked

"Work." he said stiffly.

"Who is he?"

He really wasn't beating around the bush today.

"H-H-He's my son," I said reluctantly.

He was tense that much I could tell. He was giving me a look I had never received. A look of distaste. I guess given the situation he is completely entitled to feel that way. I've kept his son from him. What kind of person does that? Obviously me. His next question wasn't much of a surprise to me.

"Who's the father?" his eyes hard.

I averted my gaze downward and felt so much shame. So much. I couldn't look him in the eye. I knew what I had done was very very wrong. How was I supposed to know I'd get pregnant that one day? We never exchanged information, I didn't know what part of Washington he lived in, where he worked specifically. I would have told him had I known. At least that's what I told myself.

"Let's go and talk outside, we're creating quite the show."

"Lead the way, Odette."

I walked out with Nick in my arms and Luka in tow. I found a table a little ways away outside. I sat down with Nick in my lap. Luka across from us. His knee touching mine, scorching my skin through the fabric of my dress. I was so aware of him. I missed hi- stop, this is a serious conversation. I shook my head and prepared myself for what was about to go down.

"Ask away." I said, staring straight into his eyes.

" I'm the dad, aren't I? Why didn't you tell me? I missed out on the first three years of my child's life, because you decided that it wasn't important to tell me that I had a son." He was furious, his grey eyes were harsh.

"I had none of your information, Luka. We never told each other specifics on our lives, there was no way of finding you. Believe me, I wanted to find you, believe me. How do you think it feels to see the confusion on your child's face because he doesn't have a dad, like the kids at daycare do?" I said calmly, I didn't want to alarm Nick.

He looked heartbroken. I'm pretty sure that the thought of his son being upset over his absence definitely got to him. "Why didn't we? I could've moved here. I could've taken care of him. I could've seen him when he was saying his first words, first steps. Why?! You were the one that said that exchanging information was too personal. If I know one thing about our brief time together is that we fell in love that day. What stopped you from wanting to keep in touch?"

I could tell he was desperate for answers, I could never relate to how he felt it, I couldn't fathom being away from Nick. I was about to open my mouth when Nick started to squirm in my arms. He reached out towards Luka. I saw the longing in his eyes, so I gave in.

"Do you want to hold him?"

His eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly.

"No thanks, I don't want to drop him"

"C'mon don't worry, I know you want to."

Luka took Nick took in his arms. His face immediately went awestruck. There was so much emotions in his beautiful eyes. Most prominent of all, love. Nick sat back happily against Luka's big arms, looking extra content there. This was such a beautiful moment, father and son meeting for the first time. I knew just by Luka's eyes that he would protect Nick at all costs.

"I'm afraid of being with one person, I'm terrified of intimacy." I told him, my voice serious.

"Why? Did something happen?" He tried to mask the worry in his voice.

"Not at all, I don't really know where it stems from. I grew up in a good place, my parents are completely in love with one another. There is nothing that triggered it. I just... can't." I finished. My eyes resting on the table between us.

I could feel his eyes staring at me. He was pensive, still playing with Nick, but his mind elsewhere.

"That's understandable, I guess, from your point of view the wanting absolutely no ties makes sense. I'm not mad, at all, maybe a little because I missed my son's life. What I do want to discuss is what we're going to do moving forward. I don't want to keep missing out on his life." He said. He still had that pensive look on his face that was utterly adorable.

I got what he was saying, my reluctance towards intimacy makes no sense. Whatever, onto more urgent matters, what next? I could possibly move to Washington there is literally nothing bothersome about it. I have the funds. What I needed to think about was what was going to be beneficial to Nick in the long run. He would have his father, another role model that he could look up to. I had no ties in New York anyway. I've only had casual hookups. I knew why I was so hesitant on going to Washington. I was terrified of what would come of my renewed relationship with Luka. It's not just about me anymore. I knew what my decision was going to be.

"Luka, my business is here. I built my life here, I just can't up and leave." he looked disappointed.

" What if I moved here?"

To say I was surprised was an understatement. If he offered that means that there is absolutely no trouble in him moving here. What do I say to that?

"What? Are you serious? You can't just leave your job like that that's completely crazy. You don't have a house, a job, it's completely unsustainable."

" I have an old friend that lives here. I'm pretty sure he won't mind me helping with the rent at all. I could get a transfer from my job.The only reason you're so reluctant is because you don't want me here."

I could tell that I obviously wasn't being subtle about it. I breathed in and rolled my lips into my mouth.


" I want to be here with my son, I don't care if there is something that you don't approve of. I have a right to see him, and I will if I want to," he paused to look at Nick. He looked back up and me and decidedly said,

"That's final."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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