4- Tension

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Saturday 9:27am


Waking up next to Aunna today was such a different experience, of course we have had "sleepovers" before but it hadn't felt like this... I woke up and she had her arms wrapped around my left arm and the blanket we had over us was just barely covering the bridge of her nose, But left just enough room for me to see her softly arched eyebrows and light freckles. She's always been so pretty. I stood up slowly and lightly tugged my arm out of her soft embrace and headed to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water and down a couple gulps. I quietly look around the kitchen to find something to make for me and Aunna. I see a box of pancake mix and question if I really want to attempt that.

Aunna: I slowly wake up and open my eyes to the sound of rustling in the kitchen. -checks phone- Mom-"Had to leave at 7 for a meeting, then I work a double" Aw, my mom works so much I wish I could see her more. Wait, Alex isn't in here and my dog is on my bedroom floor. What the hell is that sound then? I get up and adjust my clothes and fix my hair and walk out of my room. I see Alex in his gray joggers and a simple t shirt, making pancakes. Wow. I thought Alex just went home without saying goodbye, but instead he's doing the cutest thing I've ever witnessed.

"Since when do you cook?" I ask while smiling like an idiot. "You're awake finally, and I don't know, I decided I wanted to try and make us breakfast. if it's terrible I'm sorry in advance" He looks so peaceful and happy, maybe I'm a morning person now. "Finally? its barely 9:40 Alex, and I don't think you can manage to make pancakes wrong" I sit down at the counter and admire him, Why is he doing this? I mean its not like he's proposing to me but I feel so happy. He even got out a little plate of fruit out. "I can manage to do anything wrong Aunna." Alex laughs. I roll my eyes and toss a raspberry at him "Shut up you're always good at everything " I reply. "Wanna know what else I'm good at?" Alex asks with a smirk. I expect him to say something dirty. "What?" I ask. Before I can even react, I get hit with a plop of pancake batter on my face. "aiming" Alex responds and nearly falls over from laughing. Aiming...maybe I'm over thinking but...that could be a dirty comment. My face is frozen in shock. "you're a little shit Alex" I pick up a small handful of pancake batter and smear it on his shirt, Alex looks at me in a revengeful way. I get a little worried but also very...turned on. Oh jesus. He picks up the bowl of batter and I run out the front door. He chases me and manages to get the rest of the batter all over my hair and on my hoodie. "ALEX" I yell. Alex is laughing, "Aunna come here, I'm sorryyy" he tries to give me a hug but I scrape off some batter from the ground and put it in his hair. "Who's laughing now?" I reply.

We both laugh and pick on each other and I hurry and hose off the cement so the batter doesn't end up there forever. We head inside and take some bites of the pancakes "These are really good Alex" I say, genuinely shocked. "Yeaah, but not as good as my aim." I roll my eyes. "We really need to shower." I say. "Do you want to go first?" Alex asks. When he asks that I really want to say "We can shower together" but yaknow... "Sure, i'll go now but i'll hurry" I reply. I head to my shower and take off my batter-covered hoodie, guess I should throw it in the wash. Duh. I walk out and ask Alex if I can wash his shirt as well. "Yeah thank you" he takes it off and I try not to bite my lip. He hands me his shirt and I head over to the laundry room.

Alex: Wow, her body is so effortlessly beautiful. She looks sexy in that Calvin Klein bra and shorts. What am I thinking... that's my best friend, and she doesn't even feel anything like that towards me. I'll just look at my phone to distract myself.

Aunna: There's been so much tension today... what is even going on. But boy is he charming. I head back to get in the shower and pass by Alex looking at his phone, he's so cute even when he's not trying. I get into the bathroom and take the rest of my clothes off and press shuffle on one of my playlists on my phone. I start to rinse my hair and realize that batter is really...REALLY hard to get out.

Alex: Fuck man, I cannot be getting hard right now. I'll just put a pillow on my lap, hopefully it'll go away. What is my brain doing to me.

Aunna: Jesus, after 3 washes I finally got it out. I finish my shower quickly and put a towel on. "Hey Alex, just so you know, you're going to have to scrub your head like a madman to get the batter out." I shout. Alex chuckles "Great I can't wait." he replies. I walk out to find clothes so I can start getting ready for the day.

Alex: I start heading to the bathroom and see Aunna in her room with just a towel, which makes my -situation- more difficult. I walk in the bathroom and shut the door and see Aunna's red lace underwear sitting by the sink on the floor. She must've dropped them. But fuck, they're hot.

Aunna: I'll just wear a big shirt and some shorts for now. I get dressed and sit down to do my makeup. I hear the bathroom door open and Alex comes out with wet hair and wearing his gray joggers. He's perfect.

hi i'm dumb and accidentally messed up this part SO, if you're seeing it again im sorry sahbflsfheofhoef

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