ch. 6

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Day 6: 9:44 p.m.

My mom stopped by on Sunday to drop off my laptop. I've been dreading going to any social media website, I didn't want to know what people thought about me. I didn't want to know the rumors that were being spread. I didn't want to hear the questions that would be asked, but all at the same time I did.

I wanted to know what people thought of me. I wanted to know the rumors that were being spread. And I wanted to know the questions that were being asked.

I can barely remember what my password was anyways. I have an idea of what it could be but I could still be wrong.

So instead of sitting there with the hot laptop on my lap I decided to get out of bed and heads towards the bathroom.

The cold floor hit my feet and instantly sent shivers down my back. The bathroom was inside my room so I didn't have to walk a lot.

I walked inside the bathroom and the first thing I was met with was the mirror.

The sight was displeasing.

I had bags under my eyes.

My hair was a mess.

It was a literal afro.

The gray shirt I changed into had a chocolate pudding stain on it. The chocolate pudding that I had two nights before. May I add.

I did my business and decided to take a shower. The warm water poured out the faucet. the warm water hitting my back.

The warm water was stress relieving and made me drowsy.

I remember showering in my home. The black tiled shower where I would think of how Mel gave me butterflies the first time we kissed, or any time actually. The same shower where I tried to commit in front of. The shower was one of the last things I saw before I passed out.

Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face along with the water.
The memories will soon be gone and there will be nothing to remember one day.

Or it can be the opposite and I'll never forget. I'll always be this depressed and lonely.

I lathered soap all over my body and washed it off with water.


I got out the shower, got dressed and sat down on my bed bringing my laptop on top of my damp towel.

I was curious. I wanted to know what people were saying. I guessed what my twitter password would be and it worked. My notifications were going off like crazy even when I wasn't on for a long time.

But what I saw changed everything.

Mel? She was alive?

All my notifications consisted of Mel's @ name. I couldn't describe what I felt. I still had feelings for her and I still felt the hurt.

I scrolled through her tweets reading one by one

@MeliD : wow ok guy at target just cut me in line cool.

@MeliD : I'm lactose intolerant I think.. I don't know? WHAT? IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME? My stomach hurts..

@MeliD : look how cute my wittle Evan is @EvanM - http.//ttwywjs72

It was picture of Evan with sauce on the side of his face smiling up at her.

That broke me. How could she? Does she not know? Does she even know what happened? What the hell?

My blood was boiling. She was with him..


Ay thanks to the girl who told me what Evans last name was ur trill af. (It's Monte)

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