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Day 7 - 18:10:26

'Soap' MacTavish

Soap's vision went to white for a split second as his face was slammed into the top of a scorched car. As his head rebounded from the hard surface, he stumbled over his own feet and fell on his back. General Shepard, liar, traitor, stood over him with a scowl on his face. Shepard ripped a knife out of its scabbard and plunged it downwards into Soap's gut. Soap let out a gasp of pain before his world flashed into and out of black.

Shepard: Five years ago, I lost Thirty Thousand men in the blink of an eye... And the world just fuckin' watched.

Shepard unloads empty brass casings from his revolver and loads in two new ones.

Shepard: Tomorrow, there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots. I know you understand.

The chamber spun counterclockwise, pushing the new shell into place. The trigger is pulled even further, causing the hammer to fall rapidly. Just as the primer and propellent are ignited, Captain Price piledrives Shepard, causing him to drop the pistol onto the ground. As the two begin to fight, Soap crawls on his side to the revolver before it is kicked from reach and he is curb stomped into unconsiousness.

Unbeknownst to Soap, the high tensions created distortions in spacetime. A portal opens up beneath both Soap and Shepard, transporting them to a new land.


As Soap awakens with a throbbing head, he notices his surroundings have changed. Where there was once a desert outpost, there is now a lush green forest. Around him are four seemingly shellshocked girls gazing upon Shepard. Shepard is pummeling a blonde boy into the ground.

Soap turns his head towards the knife in his stomach. He grunts in pain as he grips the knife and begins to pull.

Girl in Yellow: Wha- HEY DON'T DO THAT!

This draws the attention of the other three girls who try to stop Soap. The knife, however, is ripped from its host.

As Soap spins the knife in his hand, he gazes upon Shepard.

Soap: This is for the record.

The girls stop to listen.

Soap: History is written by the victors.

He winds the knife back.

Soap: History is filled with liars.

And the knife flies true.

And Shepard lies dead.

As Soap lies back, fading in and out of consciousness, he hears some people converse.


The world fades.

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