✧ Introduction ✧

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Hello! Welcome to the Shining Stars Awards!

This is a place where you can enter your underrated or unappreciated stories, because of course, we all deserve some love. You can also enter these awards if you just feel like it! These awards will help your books get noticed by ARMYs all over Wattpad!

We are sure that everyone who joins these awards, wants to share their talent, and we appreciate it so so so much. Remember, even if you don't win, that doesn't mean your books aren't amazing. You will have your own opportunity to shine and to show everyone all the talent you have hidden behind that pretty face of yours.

Don't forget that even though we decided to organize these awards, all of us have a life outside of Wattpad, so please respect the hosts, we will respect you as well.

Thank you for your participation in the Shining Stars Awards and I hope all of you have fun! 💜

Thank you for your participation in the Shining Stars Awards and I hope all of you have fun! 💜

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