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So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten
If they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

Roger never wanted to get married. He found the whole idea of it to be rather silly really. Piece of paper that legally binds you to a person. Doesn't mean anything. People still cheat and break promises. His father did, though he knew that was for the better. The bastard never loved his family properly and they were better off without him. His mum never remarried and Roger took that as a sign that life was better on your own.

Of course, that concept lasted him until he was just shy of eighteen. Living freely during the summer of love only to fall in love with another pretty young lad. They separated and Roger thought that was the last of the angel that had been sent down from England. He had spent a good while learning about himself during that time, piecing together the things he wanted and the things he could live without.

He was content with how things were, deciding to focus solely on his music and his degree. Sure he would go out for a pint with Brian and say a lovely word to a lovely person but he never pushed for more. Never suggested they do damn things though he welcomed it with open arms.

Roger wasn't going to act like he was hung up on some guy he barely spent a week with. He knew the chances of finding that guy again were one in a billion so he carried on with his life until fate decided to send a twist his way.

He did meet up with that guy again. And this time they were a tad bit older and a tad bit wider. They were both young and stupid but all those wonderful feelings came rushing back into Roger and he felt as though he had been hit by a freight train.

Roger may not want to get married but that didn't mean he didn't believe in love. He believed and knew it exited and praised those who were lucky enough to feel it. Roger himself had once before and that flame was ignited the moment was John was back in his life.

Roger wasn't a stupid man. Perhaps he made silly decisions and said dumb things now and then, but he wasn't an idiot. The moment he and Roger were reunited, the latter decided to never be apart again. It was quite easy, of course. They were in a band. One that piece by piece, album by album were getting more and more well known.

At this point, they were quite famous. They've had multiple albums that were in the top ten, some even within the top five. Overall, they had done pretty well for themselves over the years.

Now they were older and wiser. The title rockstar finally fit them well enough. They worked endlessly, but that was the point. You couldn't write hit songs if you were sitting alone on a couch or relaxing in the bathtub. You had to put the time and effort in and most of the time, it paid off.

Sometimes it paid off very well. Sometimes it paid off so well that they were given a bit of a break. It wasn't a large one, with the release and all the press and then the tour, but after that the four members of the rock and roll band Queen were given the chance to do very little.

The last time Roger had no plans was when he was a young lad in America, spending his normal day to day just relaxing in the sun. He missed it from time to time. Being carefree and young. He didn't think about it often, as there was so much to look forward to. Traveling the world where people are chanting your name. Singing along to the songs that you wrote. It was everything Roger used to dream of.

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