Escaping Mission

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"Nugget finds the Fancy Boy to be quite rude, but will do anything to go to the Nugget factory!" Nugget chirped, grabbing the shovel and throwing some dirt on top of Ted's head.

"W-What? What's a Nugget factory?" Ted asked in confusion, not understanding what the other boy was talking about. What Nugget factory?

"Nugget was promised a trip to the Fancy  Boys' Nugget factory upon the completion of the Nugget Cave." Nugget answered excitedly, throwing more dirt on top of Ted. Ted let out a cough from the dirt, his eyes tearing up even more from bits of dirt going in his eyes.

"WE DON'T OWN A NUGGET FACTORY!" Ted blurted out, not wanting to get more dirt on him. Nugget froze up for a moment before he let go of his shovel, leaning over the ledge to look at Ted, a mad glint in his eyes.

"So Nugget has been lied to?" Nugget asked in a low voice, making a shiver go down Ted's spine. Should he reply and risk getting buried alive again, or stay quiet?

"I-It would appear so." Ted replied after a second, hoping Nugget wouldn't take his anger out on him. Nugget's eye twitched in anger and he disappeared from view for a moment. A rope dropped down and Ted blinked his eyes in confusion for a moment before he started climbing up, the task being difficult due to his broken legs.

He managed to make it all the way up, Nugget staring down at him with a blank look on his face. "Nugget is displeased with Fancy Boy's lie, and thus, will not complete the task of burying the Fancy Boy's Brother." Nugget said calmly.

"But Felix will know that you didn't listen to him if I try to go back home." Ted said, Nugget being kind enough to pull the spiders off of Ted's body and hair.

Nugget let out a thoughtful hum before he grinned excitedly. "Then Teddy shall stay with Nugget and his family!" He proclaimed cheerfully before he went back to shoveling the dirt back in the hole. Ted decided to ignore Nugget using his nickname that was only supposed to be used by Felix, not wanting to correct the only one whose helping him.

"You will wait until everyone leaves before going to the little red car. Nugget will tell his Daddy that you will be arriving, and thus will be waiting for you. Make sure nobody is around though, or else someone might tell the Fancy Boy!" Nugget ordered before he immediately left, having spent a long time there and just finished with filling in the hole.

Ted blinked his eyes in confusion before he tried standing up. He let out a small cry at the intense pain in his legs, although took that as a good sign. At least he wasn't paralyzed like that new kid with the glasses. What was his name? Monty? Yes, that kid.

After a moment, Ted decided to just give up and pull himself to move, not wanting to risk injuring himself even more than before. It took him several minutes just to enter the cafeteria, the door being a bit hard to reach since he was laying on the ground.

Ted wrinkles his nose in disgust at the smell of blood, unconsciously staring at the motionless body of Stevie, one of the school's hall monitor. He couldn't help the feeling of guilt eat at his heart, feeling bad for Stevie. He just wanted to do his job at being a hall monitor... he didn't deserve this.

Ted took a deep breathe before he looked away from Stevie's corpse, crawling out the cafeteria. He couldn't help but find it unnerving how quiet it was. Not even the janitors were cleaning. He was expected the old one to skip out on working, but Bob was usually cleaning at around this time, he was sure of that...

Ted shook his head slightly, trying to stop these curious thoughts. His objective was to find the red car that Nugget mentioned, not go looking for the Nice Janitor. He knew that everyone had to have gone home now. Its been several minutes since the bell rang after all.

Once Ted finally exited the school through the front, he looked around curiously, noticing that the limo that drove him and Felix home was gone. That and every other car except for the little red car that had to belong to Nugget's father.

Ted crawled to the car immediately, the car door opening before he was even half-way to it. A tall, lanky man with the same messy blonde hair as Nugget came out, walking over to Ted and crouching down so he wasn't towering over him.

"Are you Teddy?" the Man asked curiously, Ted nodding his head slowly in reply, feeling a bit nervous at the stranger. The Man gave him a friendly smile before he reached out to him, hesitating a moment to make sure Ted was comfortable with being touched before gently picking him up.

"Um, Mr. Nugget, if you don't mind, I would prefer if you would call me Ted. Or Theodore if you'd like." Ted said a bit shyly, not knowing how to take Nugget's father's gentleness. His parents usually ignored or berated him, so he found this to be... different. Not bad. But different.

Mr. Nugget nodded his head in reply before he placed Ted in the backseat and buckled his seatbelt for him, being mindful of his legs. "If you say so Ted. Nugget already told me about your... situation and that he was going to be with your brother for a bit. I'll be taking you to the hospital first thing though. Get your legs and such fixed up." Mr. Nugget said kindly, starting to drive to the nearest hospital.

Ted nodded his head slightly, leaning his head against the car door. He felt exhausted from the day. Working on a plan to kill Ozzy only to be betrayed by his own brother last minute, then being saved by someone who was going to bury him alive while he was injured. It was a very tiring day.

Before he knew it, Ted was fast asleep.

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