Broken 1

52 6 3

I stopped dancing when it all came back to me like a ton of bricks had just hit me in the face.

It's over.....

It can't be over...

I crumpled down to the ground, only now just realising this was all true. Taking deep breaths to try and stop my eyes from spilling over, and realising the never ending supply of tears I have, it didn't work I screamed at the top of my lungs. Grabbing my phone from the dock it was placed in, and I threw it in all my rage.

Then a *crack* filled my ears. No not the sound of my phone cracking from the stupid flimsy glass that breaks so easily on an iPhone, but the crack was from the impact of the phone hitting the wall.

I glanced at the wall, my eyes widened in shock. There was a nice sized hole in my wall from where the phone had been thrown. Mum was definitely going to be angry. Then it dawned over me that in less than two hours, we were going to have some people at our house that I couldn't put my finger on who they were.

Oh no, I have to try and impress these people when I'm in this mood. You see I have Bi-Polar Disorder, and my moods can just swing from happy to rage in 0.03 seconds without any warning what so ever, and my anger management issues on top of that doesn't help. These people better not cross me in the wrong way or all hell may break loose, and I can't do anything to stop it.

I had to impress these people fully; I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself from my angry mood. It seemed to work, I looked at the time and got straight to work on my make-up.

Now I may cake it on, but believe me, I am far from that stereotypical blonde Barbie that always gets what she wants. You see growing up as an only child, without a dad was bad enough. My dad was kicked when I was four and I never really got the opportunity to see him that much, as he was always busy trying to pick his business up off the floor.

Him owning his own business meant, no child support money as he didn't earn enough for the government to come and rip any out of his hands.

Growing up, my mother was never the perfect role model either. She never had a job as she couldn't seem to hold down one for very long, and this meant we were on social security benefits my whole life. She didn't own her own home, our house was a rental that I was thankful that we had lived in since I was four.

I was NEVER and let me repeat NEVER popular at school, Yes, I may be pretty but let's face it, only the 'sluts' are popular in high school. I was in your usual A.P classes getting good marks, but I wasn't a nerd... Well I was. I just didn't let anyone see the nerd side of me.

I was bullied beyond bullied at school, and dropped out the day I was allowed to, at age fifteen. I wanted to do home-school, but Dad just wasn't around so he couldn't help at all, and even if he was both my parents had dropped out of school at fifteen, so neither of them were any help.

So off I went to find a job, at my local supermarket. Cliché I know.

So when people call me plastic because of my make-up, it irritates me, I do it because it helps me to see myself as that pretty girl, without a care in the world that I want so desperately to be.

I put a light base of foundation on and covered it up with my powder, then applied some grey/silver eye shadow to my eyes and adding some eye-liner as my eyes were small, and the eye liner helps to give that extra pop. I also added some thick heavy mascara, giving my eyelashes that long curled look everyone tries to achieve.

I found some of my worn out flared jeans because let's face it, I'm still not over the flared jeans look, I will love it till the day I die, and for a top, I grabbed a tight white long sleeved shirt. I put them on and stared at myself in the mirror practising my fake smiles, and hellos. Now there's the girl I know and love staring back at me in the mirror.

One thing was missing though, my hair. Now I wanted it to be simple yet flattering and with hair at that length where you can't really do much with it, but it still looks fairly long stage it was hard to do anything with it.

My hair was naturally wavy but not overly wavy, just simple yet nice waves I decided for that half up half down look, but pinned it half up instead of tying it up.

"Perfect." I said out loud.

*Ding dong*

Was that really Two hours? I thought to myself as I panicked.

Oh no, I didn't get time to ask mum if they were nice visitors, or if I need to go all ape on their asses.

As I ran into the living room ready to brace myself, I smiled at my mother and said, "Let's do this."

"Hi, it's been far too long chicken, I've missed you so much and so have your sisters." Said a voice.

That explains it then, it's family.

I have never been close with any of my family, as let's face it my mum is the outcast of her family, and my dad's side despises my mother.


I walked towards the front door and put on a fake smile. I am ready for this. To have my heart broken and face my WONDERFUL family in one day. Let's be serious no amount of preparing could have prepared me for this day.

It will be one I'm willing to forget soon!

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