Broken 2

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I walked to the front door, with a fake smile plastered on my face. Hoping that the women's voice I had just heard, wasn't going to be an evil women.

Growing up, I had heard stories about my grandmother and my aunties and how horrible they were to my mother growing up. My grandmother had outcasted my mother on her move of states. She had moved from the cold New York City, to the warm and sunny California in hopes of making a new life for herself, she didn't want to be the famous Hollywood actor that everyone dreamed of being when they grew up. My mother dreamed of being a hairstylist of the stars. Pursuing a career in hair dressing.

Once she moved over here, she landed the dream job of the top selling gossip magazine in America, 'Glam on the rocks.' She was there intern hair dresser, learning all the tricks of the trade.

My grandmother despised the fact that my mom had run off to be the women she wanted to be, and not the picture perfect wife that she had wanted.

She fell pregnant three years later and left her job to impress her mother, she has never seen me. Not once in my life.

"And I take it this it the wonderful grand daughter I have Symone?"

"Yes mother, this is Bella." My mother replied.

"Hi." I shyly replied, unsure if I should be nice or not.

We all sat down and had a late dinner, learning more about the family I never had. My grandmother appeared to be in her sixties and fairly slim and short. She had also brought my aunties, Elisa; lis for short and Megan. Who appeared old enough to be my cousins not my aunties. Both looked to be in there twenties, and I was told they were twins.

After dinner, my grandmother finally spoke, "Now to get down to business, the real reason I came here is because in this family we have a tradition, our eldest daughter is to be shipped off to England for training on how to become a débutante on her eighteenth birthday, and I heard your birthday is coming up soon, is that correct?"

"Three weeks thank you." I replied knowing where this was going.

"Right then, you shall have one week to put your affairs in order and then come back to New York, to live with me and see what the training does to a young girl like yourself. Then when the two weeks is over, off you go to your new school." She replied.

"Hell no, I am not going anywhere with you. Nor am I going to England, nor am I leaving my home town. I think you have lost your mind, and you should leave now!" I screamed.

"Go up to your room and ill be in soon to have a talk with you, and about your attitude." My mother told me.

I stormed up too my room. Angry and huffing with anger. How could they do this too me, how could my mother be angry at my attitude? She didn't want this did she?

I slammed my bedroom door shut, and stared at the hole in my wall. Just looking at if for what felt like forever, zoning out the world. I could hear chatter coming from the living room, but it didn't make any sense, I couldn't bring myself to listen too it. I was too worried about what they would be talking about.

About fifteen minutes later, I hear a light knock on my door.

"Honey can I come in?" My mother asks, her voice shaken.

"Sure mom, come in." I reply, in a sad manner.

"Honey I had a talk with your grandmother, you have to do this." She told me, her eyes laced with tears.

"I don't want too mom." I replied, slightly crying, tears starting to run down my face.

"I have been saving up for seventeen years, waiting for this day honey. I have a separate bank account in your name, it has close too 50,000 in it. I also have enough money to purchase a car. I want you to take my car, and I want you to take the 50,000. Run Bella, Run. I want you to do what I did. Follow your dreams. Only this time. You have money to fall back on. Go outside, tell your grandmother you need to go tell your friends about this, but don't come back, take my car and just drive. Pack enough clothes to last a few weeks. I'll ship the rest of your things once you call me and tell me where you are. Please Bella, don't let her ruin your life." She cried while handing me the bank card, arms out stretched wanting a hug.

We cried for close to twenty minutes, not once breaking the embrace. Once the tears dried up, my mother excused herself and I went to have another shower, and get ready for my long drive head of me.

I didn't know where to go, it was the middle of summer. So I packed cool clothes. I wanted to go somewhere warm, somewhere nice. So I finished packing my jeans, shorts, singlets and bathers. I of course packed the essentials, underwear, make-up, hair products, sanitary products etc, and I dropped them out of my window. As it was on the first floor I didn't have to worry about breaking my things or damaging them. I walked to the front door, said my goodbyes, and told them id be back in an hour, I was of course lying and my mother knew that. My mother mouthed a call me, and I love you at me and I turned to the door, tears trickling out. I was doing this, I was leaving my home town on the adventure of a life time.


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