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      A long time ago, there was no wisdom in the world. Everyone just went about doing just anything at any time without thinking of the consequences.
   One day, Nana Nyame the creator of all things decided that it was not right for his creations to live without wisdom.
He  summoned Ananse and gave him a huge clay pot full of wisdom.
  As selfish as Ananse was he decided to keep all the wisdom that had been given to him. He wanted to be the wisest person in the world.
Ananse thought and realized that he could not send the pot of wisdom home since it would arouse suspicion. He decided to hide it on top of a huge tree.
He found a suitable tree  in the forest and started climbing with the pot strapped to his stomach instead of his back. He tried several times but couldn't climb.
Ananse had no idea that his oldest son Ntikuma was passing by and had stopped to quietly watch his father as he tried to climb the tree. After some time, Ntikuma said "father wouldn't it be easier to climb this tree if you strap the pot to your back instead?"
Ananse realised that there was sense in what his son had just said so he applied it and was able to climb to the top of the tree. When he got there, he thought things through again and realised his son had just demonstrated wisdom and that even with the pot of wisdom in his hands, he still not the wisest person in the world and didn't realise what he was doing wrong. In anger , Ananse threw the pot and it smashed allowing all the wisdom to escape to all parts of the world. And that is how wisdom came to the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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