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Warning: Mentioned and hints of sex. Nothing explicit.

"You never answered my question, dollface."

Oliver scowled at Allen, his azure eyes glowing like a spark of electricity. They carried deep resentment for the male standing in front of him. Said male had him sandwiched against the row of lockers and his own body. Oh how wonderful it would be for Oliver to shove Allen away right now. However, Oliver was at a slight disadvantage against Allen seeing that the latter was a head taller than him. And Oliver Kirkland would never resort to violence.

No matter how tempting it was to punch Allen F. Jones across the face.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver calmly counted to ten in his mind. Control your anger, don't let it get the best of you. After he did his silent count, his anger washed away immediately and his composure returned. Unlike his other half, Arthur Kirkland, the older twin would unleash hell upon the entire student body upon being revoked.

"May I ask why knowing my sexuality can be a benefit for you?" Oliver asked calmly, his eyes never leaving Allen's crimson pair. He folded his arms, cocking his head to the side as he requests politely, "And can you please back off? Maybe a good ten feet would do; I don't fancy you standing a breath away from me."

Allen scoffed, disregarding the shorter male's request. He only locked his arms even more on both sides of Oliver's head, indicating that he would not uphold his command. "Don't be a smartass. I was just asking you a question," Allen snarled, glaring down at Oliver with equal intensity. Crimson met azure, and it was a quiet battle that filled the corridors with heated tension.

"Yes, a question that I do not want to answer. It's a rather personal inquiry and you cannot force me to answer it."

"Oh my fucking god, just tell me if you're gay or not!" Allen yells, his face twisting in annoyance. The pair earned themselves an audience, several eyes watching them curiously.

Oliver quickly noticed the eyes, and his freckled cheeks burned in embarrassment. "Could you please refrain from shouting? Everyone is looking at us," he whispered harshly, breaking his gaze from Allen to peak at the curious pairs of eyes.

"Let 'em look. These fuckers don't know a thing. A bunch of bastards just looking for a show."

"Do keep your profanity at a minimum. Your voice alone annoys me already," Oliver groans, rubbing his temples with his fingers. "You're an even bigger potty mouth than my brother."

"Yeah, dollface, I'm flattered. Now answer my goddamn question. I'm getting impatient."

He's getting impatient? He thinks he's getting impatient?

Oliver took a shaky inhale, his anger beginning to bubble. Any more stupid words from Allen's mouth and he was going to burst like a volcano. If it was Arthur, then he would have already minutes ago. "Why are you even interested in my preferences?" Oliver asked, feeling himself wanting to hurl. Surely, Allen didn't like him, right? The thought of this psychopath showing an interest him made Oliver want to jump off the school roof.

Allen clicked his tongue, his impatience showing more evident. "I need to know if Arthur is gay or not," he answered.

This earned him a puzzled look from Oliver. "Wait, so it's not me that you're interested in?"

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