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"How long?"

Oliver was the first to break the burning silence between him the other pair. While Oliver sat on a beanbag, Arthur and Alfred took the sofa, their faces remained tinted with blush, their expressions carrying shame. Looking at them, it strangely resembles a parent scolding their child and their child's partner. Which, in this case, was unfortunately true, half-true that is.

Despite the fact that Arthur was the older one between him and Oliver, he couldn't bring himself to look at his brother. The green-eyed male could feel the scowl piercing through his skin despite the oversized long sleeve he was wearing, his conscious knowing how angry Oliver must be. Arthur was busy running in his mind that he didn't hear Oliver speak.

"Arthur, I asked you, how long has this been going?" Oliver called out more loudly, which made Arthur release himself from his thoughts. "So?"

Arthur gulped, but before he could answer, Alfred beat him to it. "Two years. We've been dating for two years," he responded clearly.

"Two years?" Oliver repeated as he stared at Alfred. Even though he was scowling at the latter, Alfred held his ground and didn't shy away. "You two have been dating for two whole years and you never told me?!" Oliver yelled, his cold blue eyes turned to Arthur with an accusing glare.

Guilt had been filling Arthur's stomach ever since Oliver's unexpected intrusion. It was hard trying to maintain eye contact with his younger half, but it proved to be difficult, especially when Oliver was glaring at Arthur as if he committed a murder.

"Look, Oliver, I'm sorry," Arthur apologized sincerely, his hand shaking uncontrollably. It was pathetic, and he hated seeing himself like this. He never lets anyone talk him down, but it was Oliver in this situation. Oliver, his flesh and blood, and he was angry. He was angry at Arthur, and the latter can only do nothing but receive the heat.

"Sorry won't cover this, Arthur, you know that," Oliver bellowed, his scowl remaining evident and venomous to their eyes. "Oh my god, two years you've kept this secret from me. Two years ago was when we arrived in America - you've been with this guy for that long? What? Did you think you could hide it forever?"

At the same time, Oliver blamed himself for not noticing ever since. They were twins for goodness sake, he should know Arthur more than anyone else would.

"Oliver, trust me, I was going to tell you sooner-"

"Sooner?" Oliver scoffed, his azure eyes blinking. "It seems that you have no idea what the definition of soon is, brother." He was taking the tone again, that tone that he knew would result them to have a heated argument. They've shared these petty fights before, but this time, it was serious and unforgivable. "When was this sooner going to take place? Five years from now? Ten years from now?"

"Oliver, please…"

"Fifteen? Twenty? When we're both old and grey?"

"Stop and listen to me-"

"Or were you thinking of taking this secret to your grave? Did you plan on not telling me or our parents about your relationship? Were you going to elope with your boyfriend and stay here in the states while me, Dad and Mum worry everyday for you? Is that how careless you've become?"

"Oliver, it's not like that!"

"What is it then?!" Oliver yelled out, surprising both himself and Arthur at his own outburst. Alfred, who was quiet and guilty the entire time, widened his eyes in shock. He's never seen Oliver, who always chose to be the pacifist, the one who carried ultimate composure and grace, act out so aggressive before.

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