chapitre six pt. ii

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" I am that very witch.

When I sleep my spirit slips aways from my body,

And dances naked with the Devil. "

- The Witch (movie)

Kora walked. She was in her grandmother's garden, acres of land that expanded from all sides. She felt the softness of spring at her fingertips, and warm sunlight kissed the back of her neck. That tingling sensation in her fingers started, spreading all the way up to to her arms, and down her chest, a feeling she had grown to cherish.

She walked the land, soft and careful footsteps that would not damage the earth beneath. Kora felt the wetness of blades of grass caress her ankles, and the gentle breeze swayed strands of her long onyx hair. She was barefoot, wearing a long white dress that stopped right before her ankles, it had stains from when she had been sitting and laying down. This was a land she knew, and loved, and it was where she felt connected to the Earth. A few meters away stood a tree, ancient and imposing, with a thick and mangled trunk that had endured centuries of hardship, and would do so for many more centuries to come. 

Its sky of leaves provided a cool spring shadow, beautiful and serene, and Kora walked towards it. And yet, when she walked, she did not walk alone. A warm presence walked behind her, it felt different, and yet incredibly familiar. 

She continued to walk, feet digging into the soft, cold mud, the tree's embrace so close. A hand reached for her fingers. It was calloused, but still soft, their fingers entwined as if they had done this thousands of times before.  Kora wanted to bask in this feeling for eternity. She stopped walking, the hand held her back. The soft breeze stilled, and if Mother Nature herself, did not dare to intervene.

Kora did not look back. She didn't need to. She knew who was behind her, who held her hand. And she welcomed him, as she always would. A soft breath tickled the back of her neck, the hairs on her arms stood up, every cell in her body aware. She closed her eyes, and tilted her head, letting a wandering hand caress her neck, drifting down to her shoulder and arm. 

"Come to me."

after all these years

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after all these years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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