Chapter 1: 8 Months Later

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*3rd Person POV*

Peter Parker walks in a classroom and sits down next to Ned, his best friend. "I have a plan." He said, enthusiastic. "Okay, first, I sit next to (y/n) on the flight." Peter said. "Mhm." Ned hums, nodding. "Second, I’m gonna watch movies with her the whole time." Peter said. "Okay." Ned said, nodding again.

"Three, while we go to Venice, Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass, right?" Pete asked him. "True." said Ned. "So, I’m gonna buy her a (fav flower) necklace, because that's her favorite flower. Four, when we go to Paris, I’m gonna take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace... And then five, I’m gonna tell her how I feel...And then six, hopefully she tells me she feels the same way." Peter said.

"Oh! Don’t forget step seven." Ned said and Pete thinks about this. "Step seven..." he mutters, deep in thought. "Don’t do any of that." Ned said and Peter looks up, confused. "Why?" He asked. "Because we’re gonna be bachelors in Europe, Peter!" Ned replied. "Ned, look." Peter said, exasperated. "I may not know much, but I do know one thing: Europeans love Americans." Ned said. "...Really?" Peter said, confused. "And more than half of them are women!" Ned exclaims and Pete rolls his eyes. 

"Okay, sure, but...I really like (y/n), man. Okay? She’s awesome, she’s funny, and I just want us to work. I mean...we haven't really talked in like a few months or really hang out. We've texted back and forth and some phone calls...but that's it. I just..." Peter said then sighs as he finishes. "I miss her...and I haven't got the chance to tell her how I feel. So I think this trip will help us reconnect." He said just as MJ walks over to them.

"What’s up, dorks? Excited about the science trip?" She asked them. "Hey, uh, yeah. We’re just talking about the trip." Pete said, rushed. "Yeah, and Peter’s plan." Ned replied. "You have a plan?" MJ asked Peter. "Uh...yeah...I-I do." He replied. "What are they?" MJ asked him. "Well...promise me you won't tell (y/n)." He said and she gives him a curious look. "Why?" She asked. "I'm planning on doing something for (y/n) and I want it to be perfect." He replied and MJ smirks a bit. "How sweet. Good luck with that." She said. "Thanks, MJ." Pete said. She nods and starts to leave but stops and turns around.

"By the way, travel tip: You should probably download a VPN on your phone, just so that the government can’t track you while we’re abroad." She said. "Smart. Will do." Pete said and she leaves. "Dude, don't worry. (Y/n) was crazy about you before, I'm sure she still is. What with her announcing who she is a few months ago and running her dad's company and going to school! She's just been extremely busy. Plus everyone here has been clamoring to her, trying to be her friend even more than before." Ned said and Pete sighs. "Yeah, I know. I just....I just hope that this works." Pete mutters. He still couldn't believe that (y/n) gave out her identity like that but then again....she is Tony Stark's daughter.

That night, in the Homeless Support building, Spider-Man, in his Iron Spider suit, and Aunt May are on stage. "When I first blipped back to my apartment, the family living there was very confused. The wife thought that I was a mistress." May said and the audience laughs. "The Grandma thought that I was a ghost. It was really a mess." May said as she laughs with the audience. "Thank you all for coming out to support those who were misplaced by the Blip, and, of course, thank you Spider-Man!" 

The audience erupts in applause for Spider-Man as Aunt May gestures to Peter to go to the microphone. He looks at it and, cautiously, walks up to the mike. "Thank you, Ms. Parker, for having me. And thank you you guys for having me." He said, awkwardly, then he steps aside and the audience cheers once more. "Thank you Spider-Man, he’ll be right back out to take photos and videos, thank you!" May said and her and Peter head backstage then he unmasks himself.

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