Chapter 3: Quentin Beck

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"It's aliens. It has to be." Ned said as he looks over his laptop as all of us sit in the lobby area of this really crappy hotel. "BuzzFeed says there's a sailor named Morris Bench who was exposed to an experimental underwater generator and got hydro powers."  Flash said as he looks at his phone. "Yeah, you should definitely believe everything you read on the internet." MJ said to him, making me laugh.

"Spider-Man can take him." Flash said then he looks over at me. "Or even you, Iron Angel." He said as he nods towards me and winks. "Well, unfortunately, I didn't have my suit on me." I said as Mr Harrington and Mr Dell talk among each other. "What do you think it is?" Mr Harrington asked him. "You know, being a man of science... Witches." Mr Dell replied and I smirk a bit. 

"Who is that guy?" Betty asked as we watch the news reel on TV, talking about what happened earlier. "He's like Iron Man and Thor rolled into one." Brad said as a clip of Fishbowl fighting the water monster plays. "He's all right. He's no Spider-Man." Flash said. "What is it with you and Spider-Man?" MJ asked. "What? He's just awesome, okay? He protects the neighborhood, and, you know, he's inspiring. He inspires me to be a better man." Flash said as I hear footsteps behind me. I look over and see Pete walking up next to me. "'Sup, dickwad? I thought you drowned." Flash said as he looks over at Pete. "So much for being a better person." I said as the news banner starts to call Fishbowl...Mysterio.

"Sounds like his name's Mysterio." Brad said. "Luomo del misterio is Italian for man of mystery. They don't actually know who he is." I said to him. "Mysterio." Ned mutters and he smiles. "Cool name." Both he and Betty said at the same time then they look at each other in shock then smiled. "Babe!" They said together and I just shake my head then turn to Pete. "Shoot me!" I whispered to him and he chuckles at this.

"So, Paris tomorrow. Go to the Eiffel tower. Should be great." Pete said to me and I smiled. "You mean one of the most iconic and most romantic spots in all over the world?" I asked and I noticed he swallows then nods. "Yeah." He said, nervously, which made me chuckle. "I mean...what girl doesn't like the Eiffel Tower?" I asked, smiling, and he smiles back at me.

*3rd Person POV*

"What are you and (y/n) gonna do about the water monster?" Ned asked him. "Nothing. It's dead. And besides, that Mysterio guy's all over it. Look... I just wanna spend some time with (y/n), we were talking about Paris I said...I wanna make sure that we can still make this work." Pete said as he goes over to the sink and picks up his toothbrush. "That's nice. It reminds me of when Betty and I first fell in love. I had just finished my fruit cobbler, right..." Ned started to say until he stops and falls face-forward on the bed.

Pete, startled by this, turns around to see his friend passed out on the bed. "You and your girlfriend are very difficult people to contact, Spider-Man." A voice said. Pete turned and sees an African-American man dressed all in black and an eye patch sitting in a chair near the door, with a tranquilizer gun in his hand.

"You're Nick Fury." Pete said, in fear, then he points at his friend. "You just shot Ned." He said. "It's just a mild tranquilizer. He'll be all right." Fury said then looks over at Pete. "So good to finally meet you. I saw you at the funeral, but I didn't think that was a good time to exchange numbers." Fury said. "No, that would have been really inappropriate." Pete stated.

"That's what I just said. The important thing is, you and (y/n) are here. I tried to bring both of you here. You two avoided me, and now, both of you are here. Well, you're here in this room and (y/n)'s in another room." Fury said. "What a coincidence."

"Wait. Was this a coincidence?" Pete asked. 

"I used to know everything. Then I come back five years later and now, I know nothing. No intel, no team, and two high school kids, are dodging my calls. Here's what I do know..." Fury said and he places a device down a d it projects a hologram of the Earth then a town. "A week ago, a village in Mexico was wiped out by a cyclone. Witnesses say that cyclone had a face. Three days later... A similar event in Morocco. A village was..." Fury said when there was a knock on the the door. Pete walks over, opens the door and see Mr Harrington.

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