A Strange Invitation

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The air of the mist-shrouded forest felt icy on the few places of flesh the Spirit World ruler left from under his baggy disguise, an cobbled together mess of scarves, robes, and old traveling cloaks. Despite this, Koenma's body had never felt hotter as adrenaline continued to pump through his veins, his heartbeat racing, pumping blood throughout his artificial body to the point where he felt he might just collapse from heat exhaustion.

He was only doing it to himself. He had made this trek through the forests of Demon World many times before, especially over the last year. Yet every time he ventured into these woods; his mind would always wander. I shouldn't be here! I shouldn't be here! He would repeat over and over again in his head, every sound scaring him more and more out of his skin.

Koenma stopped to take a moment of rest, placing a tired hand on a large tree, his frosty breath falling from his mouth like a fog machine at a music concert. He had just now realized that he had been running for at least the last five minutes. From an outsider's perspective, one may wonder why it is that anyone would be so scared of somewhere as foreboding as Demon World, compared to what it had been just a few years ago...

Approximately three years ago to this very day, Yusuke Urameshi, the former Investigator of paranormal incidents of the mortal realm, or as it is much more commonly referred to: the Spirit Detective, had discovered his demon lineage and set about on an ambitious quest to unify the extremely divided and war-ravaged Demon Realm under a single Government. Officially, he had succeeded, and now Demon World was governed by an entity who embodied the most virtuous and caring aspects of demonkind, Enki.

However, despite this change in power and the progress which was leading Demon World to a brighter future, there were still those who lurked in the shadows, and those who outright decried Enki as a legitimate ruler. These detractors were the main reason behind Koenma's personal and off-record visit to the foreign realm. The problem had become far too severe, many powerful entities wanted to see to it that Demon World never be united under a single banner for a multitude of reasons, yet more poignantly, the king's banishment of eating humans.

The most common form of rebellion that these demons would partake in is the crossing of the border between their world and that of the mortal humans. And while Enki's border patrol unit worked around the clock to crush these splinter cells, there were still those who got through, and without the threads of the Makai barrier to stop them, and hunger driving their deepest darkest inhibitions, the results were usually catastrophic for the Human World.

That is why Koenma was running short on not only breath but also time and options. He needed to seek the counsel of one of the few people left he could trust with a finger on the pulse of the events transpiring within Demon World.

A few moments later, Koenma's breathing and heart rate fell back to a normal level and he continued on his journey, his feelings of anxiety and fear lessening as he came closer and closer to the clearing he had visited many times before.

Before long, his shivering had stopped, and the Spirit Ruler let out a sigh of relief as he removed the cloth covering his face, exposing his identity to the elements. Seeing the small cabin overlooking the vast canyon which seemed to be out of place until you stopped to consider who lived in this modest arrangement and that these were his training grounds.

There was no fear left in Koenma's heart as he approached the thin wooden door of the structure, striking the surface with his knuckles thrice before stepping back on the stoop of the cabin, awaiting the occupant's arrival.

As expected, Yusuke Urameshi was home, and judging by his unshaven face and wide, toothy grin was quite pleased to have a guest after so long, even if it was Koenma to discuss politics. "Hey, pacifier-breath. Long-time no see." the great unifier said through a row of unbrushed teeth as he opened the door to his friend and former employer.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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