chapter eleven.

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chapter eleven.

I didn't know what to do when you weren't here.

It was never the same, from the moment you walked into my life. Since you were from another world, a world where I didn't belong, you turned my world upside down.

I didn't know what I felt for you, but I knew that I cared about you. A lot.

Caring about you, worrying about you, looking after you... those were things I did for you, but you didn't do any of that for me.

You never cared about me, you never worried about me, you never looked after me. But I cared about you. A lot.

But you never returned those feelings to me.

You never looked after anyone, not even yourself.

In the end, I couldn't let you go, even when you wanted me to. You really wanted me to let you go, to set you free. But I just couldn't, I couldn't do that.

I just cared too much about you...

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