Dating Steven Rogers would include...

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- him being the biggest sweetheart

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- him being the biggest sweetheart

- makes you feel immediately better

- him being nervous on your first date

-"On your left."

-"I'll hit you."

- him knowing your period cycle and being the best emotional support

- you getting jealous over Sharon or someone bringing up Peggy

- his reassurance kisses are so cute

- him being teasing you about being jealous

-hugs from behind >>>>

-having chinese food every other friday with Sam and Bucky

-he cuddles your anywhere, anytime

- you both learn who to make home cooked meals together

- him admitting that he's never had sex before and after freezing

- little displays of PDA

- him being more of a butt guy

- " People say I have America's ass but clearly, they haven't seen yours."

- "Steve, I swear to god!"

- him loving it when you leave your natural hair out

- playing with his hair

- Him teaching you how to hold the shield properly.

- accidentally hitting him in back with the shield

-"Oh shit! Steve, I'm so so sorry!"


- your heart melting when he said I love you

- when he gets horny Steve= dirty boy 😳

- him being into bdsm

-"it's Captain to you sweetheart"

-"damn bitch, you real kinky"

- him being shocked when you say the n word for the first time around him

- being best friends with Phil Coulson

- him giving you piggyback rides

- you tracing circles on his back and hands to calm him down

- him lowkey being a Cardi B Stan

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