Chapter 5 Friends and fast cars

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A/N Hey y'all I appreciate you guys reading my story. So I realized that I never gave you a picture of Emma. So there she is above. Thanks again. Ok on with the story.

The concert was over so we all were hanging out by a bonfire. There was Luke Bryan with his wife Caroline. They were such a cute couple. There was Jason with his wife Brittany. Also Thomas with his wife Lauren. "So Brantley this is her?" Caroline asked.

"Yep this is her." He said with a proud smile.

"Sweety you write songs?" She asked.

"Yes ma-ma."

"Please call me Lin. I feel like we will be seeing a lot more of you." She said with a wink. Blush made my cheeks red. All the boys started laughing.

"I'm Brittany but every one here calls me Brit." We shook hands.

"I'm Lauren."

"Hi I'm Emma."

"We know who you are beside you writing songs, and because B hasn't stopped talking about you." Lin  said. I laughed.

"Your going to be around a lot." Brit said with a wink.

"Well I hope he keeps me." I took a sip of my Dr. Pepper. We all talked and laughed.

It was around 12 when we all split up. "B can you take me back to the hotel?"

"Your staying at a hotel? Not happening. Well go to the hotel and get your bags. Come back here and you'll ride back with us ."

"I'm not going to win this fight am I?"

"Nope." He said popping the p. He helped me in to the truck. It was 1 in the morning when we got back got the bus. I was so tired that I climbed into bed not changing or caring. The bed sagged as B got in.

Today were going to a race track and drive some cars. I was super pumped.

I pulled me boots on as a bunch of knocks came to the door

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I pulled me boots on as a bunch of knocks came to the door. "I got it baby!" I said because he was in the shower. I opened the door and got shoved out of the way. I fell back but luckily I caught my self.

"Good morning to y'all too." I said with a roll of my eyes. Jason and Ben stopped but Luke keeped going.

"Sorry Emma." Ben said.

"Fast cars BG! Fast cars! Hurry up!" Luke said as he knocked the door repeatedly. I shoved my phone in my pocket as B came out all dressed.

"You ready baby girl?"

"Yep let's roll." He led me to the limo that we were all taking. I went and sat by Lauren with B on my other side.

All the boys were so exited. They remained me of girl teenagers talking about there boyfriend. I rolled my eyes, but I was exited too.  We arrived at the race track. There was 2 cars a red one and a blue one.

"Hey I'm Al and here are some rules. No bumper cars. No crashing. Alright have fun." He headed Luke and B the keys.

"Hey we should have races!" I suggested.

"Hell ya!" Everyone shouted even the girls. There was 2 cars so Luke and B would go first. The one who won would race Jason. Winner would race Thomas and so forth. B was in the blue car and Luke was in the red. I undid my hair and went in front of the two cars. I held the bandana up and dropped it. They were off! We would go around the track once.  B won. We repeated it. B won all of it. Lin flipped him off so did Jason. Luke pouted. Britt, and Lauren didn't really didn't care.

"Kick his ass Emma!" Lin said with a evil smirk. 

I ran to the car and turned it on. I rolled down the window "Now B just course I'm your girl don't take it easy. I want to kick your ass fair and square."

"Never would dream of it baby girl." He said with a wink. I rolled my window up. I pushed the gas a bit. Lauren dropped the bandana and we were off. Me and B were neck and neck. I was taking it to 120. B was still on my butt. I keep pushing the car. I passed the finish line first. Ooo hell ya! I parked the car and turned it off. B pulled up by me. I got out.

"Ya I won!" I throw my hands up.

"Ya you did baby girl." He put his hand on my hips and pulled me in for a kiss.

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