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"Honey it's time to wake up" my mom said as she opened the curtains of my windows letting the sunshine in.

"But I don't want to" I replied, half awake.

"It's your first day of middle school and I made you your favorite, chocolate pancakes" my mom said as she sat at the end of my bed.

"Really?" I asked gleefully.


After I ravished all my food, I went back to my room to get my things for school. I grabbed my backpack and looked at my reflection in the mirror and checked my uniform for wrinkles.

As I headed downstairs my mom greet me with a gift covered in floral wrapper and golden ribbon that held the gift together.

"Mom, you don't have to," I said.

My mom is a single mother who married young and worked most of the week. Since my dad passed away, mom has been working very hard. She was able to pay off the mortgages of the house and sent me off to a private school. I never asked for anything because money should be used on something important but mom always spoiled me because I am her 'Little Princess'. I am hoping on getting a part-time job once I turned 15 so that mom doesn't need to worked much hours. Luckily, today is her vacation day and I want to surprise her, when dinner comes, by cooking her favorite dish.

"Open it" mom insisted.

I sat at the couch and unwrapped the gift slowly. I saw a white box and glanced at mom who nodded in response. As I opened the a box, I saw a flip-phone with a bear charm hanging on its left side. I was very surprised and hugged my mom.

"Thank you so much"

"You deserved it, since you passed the school entrance exam and I'm so proud of you" mom kissed my forehead.

As mom stood outside the house, the wind blew at her long brown hair which looked so beautiful under the sun. Everyone always complimented mom with her looks and personality. Mom was considered beautiful while I was the cute one. It seemed that I inherited dad's look but I was hoping someday I will be as pretty as mom. Although, sometimes I heard gossips that mom was once an heiress and fell in love with her high school teacher which was dad. I never had the courage to confront mom about its credibility. It's just gossip anyways and gossips are sometimes full of lies.

As I arrived at school, I saw my best friend, May, coming towards my direction.

"Hey have you heard, I heard that there is a handsome rich boy who is going to this school"

"How did you know that?"

"Well, see those group of girls outside the school gate, they were from a private school in elementary and that their school prince is going to this school. So, they followed him here and I think they will create a fan club in this school"

"Good for them" I said as she drags me to our classroom which is 1-A.

We don't consider ourselves genius or smart but we studied properly. Sapphire and I do our homework together and have a study sessions in her house. Sapphire's parents always insisted that I should come over to their house to study because mom always arrived home late at night from work.

Sapphire's mom adored mom or rather worship her since she always call my mom "Miss" which was weird for both Sapphire and I. Sapphire tried to asked her mom the reason but her mom always hushed her and so we left it at that.

Minutes passed and suddenly someone wearing a suit came into the room and whispered something to the teacher who glares at me.

"Kaine, headmaster's office. This man will escort you there,"

I picked up my things and glanced at Sapphire while everyone stared at me as if I was in trouble, was I?

I walked behind the man who seem to ignored me and he looked like in his mid 40s with his salt and pepper hair. He glanced at me at if clarifying my identity.

When we reached the headmaster's door, he opened it for me and I entered. I saw a boy and a man sitting on a couch, while the headmaster sat on his chair. The headmaster saw me and asked me to sit on the chair on his left side.

As I took my sit, the man across from me reminds me of mom because of the color of his brown hair and green eyes.

While the boy who sat next to him, who is drinking tea, has a more blonde hair. As I stared at the boy, observing his manners while drinking his tea, I felt my myself blushed from his refined manners and especially his handsome appearance.

Then, our eyes met and I felt my heart throbbing, the color of his green eyes mesmerized me and I felt myself being hypnotized.

The man next to the boy snapped me back to reality as he introduced himself.

"Good day, I am Michael Davidson and this is my son Alexid"

I looked at them and observed that Alexid does not resembled his father and I concluded that he probably got most of his looks from his mother.

More importantly, I'm curious about what do these people needed from me. As if seeing my confusion Mr. Davidson continued,

"You may not recognized me but I am your mother's eldest brother. I knew that Elise didn't tell you about anything about our family but...

He stopped and I looked at Alexid who ignored making an eye contact. I looked back at my uncle as he continued,

"I know this is going to be hard but I have to tell you"

I can feel the fear spread all over my body and I am scared of what I am about to hear. My body begin to react on its own as if it predicted what my uncle is about to say and it is going to be painful.

"Elise is dead"

My body froze, tears began to roll down my cheeks and I cried. All my senses tried to shut down. I felt that a piece of my heart had disappeared, my chest is becoming lighter. The pain started to emerged within my heart as if someone stabbed me there. All the words that came out of my Uncle's mouth resonated in me ears.




Mom is gone.

I am an orphan.

I am all alone.

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