Chapter 7: Paralyzed

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Chapter 7: Paralyzed

Justin's P.O.V.

My phone begins ringing as I sit with scooter, writing a new song. I notice that Ariana is calling me.

"Hello?"I answer her.

"Justin! Come to the hospital quick! Jeffrey is hurt!"I hear her yelling and crying.

"I'm on my way now"I stand up from my chair and hang up.

"What's wrong? Where are you going?"Scooter asks me.

"Something's wrong with Jeffrey, Ariana's security guard"I tell him as I walk towards the door.

"Alright, we'll just pick up again tomorrow"He says. "Thanks"I say and walk out. Brian and James stand by the door.

"Come on, something's wrong with Jeffrey. We have to go to the hospital"I tell them.

"What's wrong?"Brian asks. "I don't know, We'll find out when we get there"I say.

We walk out the building and hop into the security car. James drives straight to the hospital. As soon as we get there, we all hurry in.

"I'm here for Jeffrey Adams"I tell the lady at the front desk.

"He's currently being checked. But you can sit in the waiting room. I think your wife is there with your children"She tells me.

"Thanks"I say and we hurry into the waiting room. I find Ariana with teary eyes, and the girls sitting next to her.

"Justin!"She jumps out her chair and into my arms.

"What happened?"Brian asks.

"Well Isabelle had this balloon and she let go of it. She tried chasing after it and ran into the road. She almost got hit by a car but Jeffrey ran and pushed her. He got hit and now he's in surgery"She explains to us.

"I can't believe he did this for Isabelle"I say astonished.

"He is a security guard. We all are. Our jobs are to protect you even if it means risking our own lives"James says.

"I know, but this is crazy"I shake my head.

"All we can do right now is hope for the best"Andy speaks up. "He's right"Ariana says.

I grab her hand and take a seat with her. Isabelle gets on my lap and I hold her tight in my arms.

To think that I could've lost her today pains me. Sophia sits next to Ariana, half asleep.

"Is Jeffwey gonna be okay?"Isabelle looks up at me.

"I don't know baby girl, we just have to wait and see"I tell her. She nods and rests her head on my chest.

"Jeffrey Adams"A lady comes into the waiting room. "That's us"Me and Ariana stand up.

"I have bad news, would you like me to tell you or would you like to see Jeffrey yourself?"She asks.

"I think we should hear this out first"Ariana answers her.

"Well, Jeffrey got injured really bad to the point where he could no longer feel his legs. He has sadly been paralyzed from the stomach down so he's no longer able to walk. He will have to stay in a wheel chair for the rest of his life"She tells us.

"No, this can't be"Ariana begins crying again. "I'm so sorry"She apologizes. Ariana curls up into my chest and begins cries hard onto my shirt.

"Can we see him now?"James asks her.

"Sure, follow me"The lady guides us to his room.

We walk in and he lays in a hospital bed, covered up in sheets. He has cords all over his arms. His eyes are closed as his chest moves up and down.

"He's sleeping"Brian whispers.

"I feel so terrible that this happened to him. I wish I could just turn back time and change everything that happened. I should have never taken my eyes away from Isabelle"Ariana cries even harder.

"What's wrong with Jeffwey daddy?"Isabelle tugs at my arm as she tries to look at him too.

"Jeffrey won't be able to be with us any more. He's hurt"I tell her as I pick her up so she can see better.

"But I don't want Jeffwey to leave. I love him"She pouts.

"I know sweetie, but he has to"I say. I lightly push her head onto my shoulder so she can't look any more.

Sophia sleeps peacefully in Andy's arms.

"I wish there was some way we could repay him and show him our gratitude of saving Isabelle"I say. "Me too"Ariana speaks up.

"Does he have any family members that we can contact?"I ask the nurse that led us here.

"No, his parents died long ago and he has no siblings or relatives I could call"She answers me.

"So he will be alone for the rest of his life?"Ariana asks. "Sadly yes"She says.

"No, he's not gonna live alone. He could come live with us. We have plenty of rooms. We could give him one and take care of him. I could also hire someone to help when we aren't there"I suggest.

"You would really do that?"The nurse asks. "Yes, I owe him that much and more for what he did today"I say.

"That's a wonderful idea. He can stay with us. The girls would probably love for him to stay with us too. He's like another grandfather to them"Ariana says.

"Then it's settled, he's living with us"I say.

"That's if he chooses too. If he doesn't want to then we will have no choice than to send him to a disabled center"The nurse says.

"Trust me, he will take up our offer"Ariana says.

"You hear that Isabelle? Jeffrey is gonna come live with us"I tell her.

"Really?"Her eyes pop. "Yes, you can see him any time you want"I tell her.

"Yay"She claps her hands and I laugh.

Jai's P.O.V.

"Did everything go as planned?"I whisper to Luke as he stands in front of my jail cell. A police officer stands in the corner eating a doughnut.

"Everything did. I ran the truck right into Jeffrey"He tells me.

"Perfect"I smile.

"How did you know he would run in front of the truck and save Isabelle? And how did you know she would let go of her ballon?"He asks.

"Don't ask me how I knew. You did pay that worker in the store right?"I ask him.

"Yes, but it took me awhile to convince her to give those ballons to them"He says.

"Everything is working great. Soon Ariana will be looking for a new body guard and that's when you will step in and take the job"I tell him.

"What if they don't hire me and they hire someone else?"He asks.

"They will hire you, trust me. You ask too many questions!"I snap at him.

"Sorry, geesh"He snickers.

"Whatever. Just keep watching them got it?"I ask him.

"Got it"He answers back.



Hey guys! I finally put some of Jai's point of view so you can have an idea on some of the action that will take place soon.

I'm sorry if you didn't like this chapter, but like I always say, this stuff happens for a reason.




Love ya😘

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