Mind Fucked

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Where are my thoughts right now? Facebook asks what's on your mind? But I can't really say it all right? Not like many do really. It's always better to talk it out with someone right? What's on my mind shouldn't be all over social media. It's just a beautiful story, a beautiful cover, a glorious color in the eyes of strangers. They don't know that I'm mind fucked.

You can see a beautiful lie.
They can tell me how happy I am.
My friends will say they understand.
Do you know I'm mind fucked?

I can cover up my hurt with a smile or even laughter, but in all reality all my thoughts and hurt is inside me. I can say I can't take it no more when that's only the beginning. It's funny that it's only the start to an ending called my mind. In all reality you only got you right? I only got me.

I'm mind fucked
Here and there
A mind fuck so good
Just call me I'm beautiful, I tell him, and my mind is clouded with a love so glorious.
He's all I need.

But there's still that distraction I need away from everyone and everything. The world is just mind fucked I guess. I'm laying here thinking everything and everyone is mind fucked. I'm laughing it out like I'm going insane. Funny huh? Funny how life gots you so fucked up! Life itself is mind fucked.

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