Dean - I'll Love You Forever

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[This will be in third person P.O.V.]

Dean lifted the bottle to his lips, once again. Every day & night for the past month, he had been drinking heavily. Everything in his life had gone wrong the minute he found her in bed with another man....


Dean drove up to the house, smiling. It had been two months since he had seen his girlfriend, due to a long WWE tour. Shutting off the car, he swung the door open & stepped out. Dean grabbed one of his bags from the backseat and hurried inside. He couldn't wait to get inside & make sweet love to her.

"Babe?" He yelled into the seemingly empty house. Dean heard faint giggling coming from upstairs. He chuckled before taking the steps two at a time.

"Babe?" The door squeaked as it opened.

"Dean.." She gasped, getting off of the man & covering her half naked self.

Tears formed in Dean's eyes, threatening to fall. He opened his mouth to try and say something but nothing came out; not even a squeak.

"I can explain.."

"There's nothing to explain here."

With that said, Dean left the room, hurrying down the stairs and leaving the house. That night, Dean went to their spot. It was any extravagant spot, it was just a small, grassy area with a large willow tree.

That spot held many memories; the first time they met, late nights with alcohol, their first kiss, the first time they made love,... all of that was over now.

Dean never cried but seeing the love of his life with another man brought out emotions in him that he's never felt before. He sat in the grass, underneath the tree, crying for who knows how long. After what seemed like forever, he finally stood & made his way to the bar.


"FUCK!" Dean yelled, throwing the bottle on the floor, adding it to the growing pile.

He was out of beer and had nothing left. His whole beer fridge was empty, the bottles tossed lazily beside it. Sadly, it wasn't only beer bottles beside the fridge. Whiskey bottles, wine bottles, broken shot glasses; anything to do with alcohol was lying there.

Slowly he stood up, stumbling to his room. He had one type of whiskey left and it was labeled, 'Forever.' It was supposed to be for the day he proposed to her but sadly, that day never came.

Sitting down, and pulling the cork out, Dean chugged half of it. (Keep in mind that this is a large bottle.) His head had already been spinning but he didn't care. He lifted the bottle to his mouth, tipped it back and swallowed the last drops.

Dean shook his head, feeling the agonizing pain rush around his skull. His body felt numb and he knew it was almost time. Reaching over, he grabbed a pen & paper. In scribbly handwriting, he wrote 'I'll love her til I die'.

The feeling to lie down and sleep fell upon him. He let the numbness run through his veins before slowly sinking facedown onto the bed. With his face buried deep in the pillow, Dean fell asleep for the last time.


Wiping her make up smeared cheeks, Tay had realized she had made the worst mistake of her life. Dean had killed himself and everyone knew it was because of her. More tears ran down her cheeks as she stared out the window, seeing the willow tree in the distance. A white cross was neatly planted underneath it.

As she stared at the tree, the memories of her and Dean came flooding into her mind. The late nights, the make out sessions, the love making; every single memory came back to her.

"Are you almost ready, Tay?" A voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Turning around, she saw Dean. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, wondering if she was in a dream. Sadly, the only only thing behind her was a coat rack.

Sighing, she lifted the glass of whiskey up to her lips and took a sip. It burned going down her throat and she somehow liked it. The small sips quickly turned into large gulps. Her glass of whiskey was now empty and she was already refilling it.

Collapsing onto the floor, she let the tears flow. Quiet sobs left her lips as she told herself that Dean's death was her fault. Tay lifted the glass up to her lips and downed it in seconds. She didn't even bother going to refill it; she grabbed the bottle and started drinking from there.

After that bottle, another shortly followed. Just like Dean, Tay had a special type of whiskey that was meant for their wedding day. She popped it open and chugged at least half of it. Wiping her lipstick smeared lips, she looked around. On the nightstand next to the bed, there was a picture of him.

It was a gift from Dean that she had gotten before he left for the WWE tour. The tears started to flow again as she lifted the bottle to her lips once again. Tipping her head back, the last drops had been swallowed. Tay crawled onto the bed and plunged her face deep into the pillow.

Good and bad memories flashed in her mind as coldness took over her body. Soon, she couldn't feel her legs and her hands went cold. For the last time ever, Tay slipped into deep, deep sleep.


Tay was buried next to Dean, underneath the willow tree. There, their spirits could finally be together and be happy. The townspeople often say that some nights you can hear Dean and Tay laughing. With that being said, couples from all over visit that tree hoping to make memories as sweet as Dean & Tay's. Hearing Dean or Tay's laugh shows that you've found the person your destined to be with. Not hearing anything means you may have made the wrong choice on who your true love is.

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