Chapter 9

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~Next day Kirishima's POV~

I woke up to find that Dylan wasn't in bed with Kami, Izu and I and I was getting worried so I got up without either of the other two noticing and looked at the clock and saw it was only 3:10 a.m. in the morning so I got up and went to the common area to find Dylan sitting on one of the couches with tears slowly falling from his cheek

Kirishima: Dyl are you okay?

He looked at me surprised to see me up at this time like I am with him but he turned but to what he was looking at so I moved towards him and sat next to him and saw he was holding a photo of him and his family the two adults were obviously his parents and there were three other boys must be his brothers

Kirishima: Is that your family?

Dylan: Not all of them are my family anymore

I was confused by what he meant but he was glaring at someone in the photo I followed his eyes they were looking at the only women in the photo it be his mother

Kirishima: So why are you so upset at your mother?

Dylan: That women isn't my mother

Dyl's sent went very sower when he said that and I didn't like it so I tried to calm him down by placing a hand on his letting him know I here for him

~Dylan's POV~

Kiri placed his hand on mine calming me a bit I looked at him he was worried about me I could tell because his sent told everything and I'm guessing mine did too

Dylan: Kiri I'm sorry for worrying you lets get back to bed and I promise to tell you why when both Kami and Izu

Kiri still had a worried look on his face but he didn't push it all he did was pick me up and walk back to our room on the way I was already half asleep before he and I got back in bed and cuddled with our other mates I'm going to have a lot to explain tomorrow 

~In the morning~

It was time to get up now I hadn't gotten a single wink of sleep when going back to bed I had this feeling that my past was going to catch up with me one day but for now I was just laying in Kiri's hold as the others were still sleeping I looked at the clock it was 7:30

Dylan: Kiri, Kami, Izu time to get up come on guys

I shock them softly Izu was the first to wake since he was right next to me Kami and Kiri were more reluctant

Dylan: If you don't wake up no good morning kisses

With that Kami and Kiri groaned and got up receiving a kiss from both Izu and I each before I got up or at least tried to but Kiri grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye

Kirishima: Your not going to class today your still tired you stay here we'll explain to sensei why your not in class then we'll be talking about what happened last night now get some sleep

With that Kiri got changed and took Izu and Kami out of the room and headed to class leaving me in the room to try and get some sleep

~Kaminari's POV~

Kiri had just told Dyl to stay inside the room and get more rest and that we'd talk about what happened last night? What happened last night?

Kaminari: Kiri what happened last night?

Kirishima: I woke up early this morning to find Dylan wasn't in bed with us so I went to find him. I found him sitting in the common area with tears in his eyes looking at a photo of him and his family

The unlikeliest of lovers (KamiKiriDekuSho + Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now