Chapter 11

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~Next morning Kirishima's POV~

After everything hectic yesterday we're given the day off of classes meaning we got a longer weekend Dyl wanted to use this time to spend time with his brothers which was a reasonable request right now Dylan was in the shower while Izu, Kami and I were watching a video in the room as we head Dyl singing in the shower we stopped the show and listened

We listened to him and I can confidently say that Izu, Kami and I all love his singing voice then the water stopped and Dylan came out with a towel rapped around his private area just below his waist line when I saw a half red half white rose looking tattoo near his waist line

Kirishima: Nice tattoo Dyl

Dyl turned to face us confused by what I said

Dylan: What tattoo no ink like that has touched my skin?

I was confused as were Izu and Kami because they saw it as well

Kaminari: But we saw it on your back near your waist line

Dyl got even more confused and grabbed a hand mirror from the closet and angled it to let him see what we were talking about

Dylan: What the hell

Dyl was freaking out about the small mark when I started to think then got an idea and turned to Kami and Izu

Kirishima: You both turn around and lift your shirts

Izu and Kami nodded and turn and lifted their shirts as Dyl and I looked at their waist lines and saw the same white and red rose

Dylan: You both have it to

Kirishima: Check me

I turned around and lifted my shirt and they looked at my waist line

Kirishima: Well?

Izuku: Yeah you have it to

Kaminari: Then that means that it isn't a tattoo but a mate mark

Dylan: And that means we have one more mate and by the looks of it it's another Omega

Kirishima: Do you think their here as well?

Dylan: Most likely because when I first arrived here at the dorms I smelt all of your sents but also one more it was a marshmallows like sent

I started to think but it was hard to tell because if there was an Omega here they would find a way to hide their sent that is when Dylan got up and left the room and we all followed him to the common area where everyone was watching tv and Dylan got the remote and turned it off making people complain

Dylan: Sorry about that everyone but I need all of your attentions

Everyone turned to Dylan now that they had nothing to distract them from listening

Dylan: Izu, Kiri, Kami and I have found out that we aren't a fully complete group we have one more mate that still needs to be found

This surprised everyone but in the corner of my eye I saw Todoroki fidgeting but I didn't pay it to much mind as Dylan continued

Dylan: Now I know that they are in our class and most likely hiding their true second gender now I know their sent because when I first got here I smelt Kiri's, Kami's and theirs all around the common area but they most likely have suppressants that will make their sent not detectable but I know they are here and I want them to come forward

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