Chapter 8: The Year is 2563...

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        Alice decided to spend the night at her parent's house. After determining the truth of her adoption and her twin sister, she was too overwhelmed to drive home. Her parent's kept her room the same way it was when she left the nest not too long ago. Everything is still in it's place and it made Alice happy, making her think that her parent's still miss her and wanted to keep her room as a memory and an invitation for her to come back whenever she pleases. Her room spilled her personality in every turn you took. Baby blue walls, her favorite band posters on the walls, and photos of her best friends on frames on her walls and on her desk. Her bedding matched the color theme of the room and Alice's heart felt at ease as soon as her body met with her bed and pillows. She hugged her comforter by her face as one last tear streamed slowly from her eye down to meet the pillow as she closed her eyes and she fell sound asleep.  

    Flashes of lights from behind her eyelids begin to jump around and start a story to her. Alice notices that she is in a space station and her articles of clothing are very strange and not from this time nor of any that she owns. She looked around her and noticed also that there were strange animals on board and one started to speak to her. Her face grew confused with this alligator like person as it spoke to her and everyone was asking her the same question, "Are you alright Captain?". "Where am I?", is all that Alice spoke to everyone. The one closest to her answered her with great concern in their tone of voice.

"Captain, you're in your space station. What happened? Why are you asking this?"

"No! I'm no Captain! Who are all of you?"

"We are your crew and you helped us out by making us part of your team."

"When, when did this happen?"

"525 years ago Captain. When Earth became silent and no growth happened. A solid waste of land."

"Wait, what year is this?!"

"The year is 2563 Captain. The world back then was normal and then in several years it slowly started to die and people died of rapid new viruses. You foresaw this and took proper measures throughout the years."

"B-but I don't understand. How did I get this space ship and how did you all become how you are now?"

"You figured that out on your own, Captain. We don't know that part."

     Alice was beyond confused by this point and felt as if she was in an interview. She sat down in a chair close to her and started to have a panic attack. During her panic attack a girl approached her to console her and to see if she was okay. As Alice met eyes with the girl, her face grew in terror. It was her twin sister. Only at this point, her twin sister wore red lipstick in order for Alice's crew to distinguish them apart. By this point, Alice fainted and the twin sister caught her head backwards mid fall from her chair and asked for help. Once Alice woke up, she noticed that she was in a studio like room. A horse like person was sitting next to her bed and reading a magazine, but yet the horse like person was wearing a nurses outfit. Alice wondered when this transformation took place, of animals having human qualities and features. Alice threw a little moan as a sign of her waking up and the horse like person reacted quickly to check for her vitals and asking questions. 

"Are you alright Captain?!", the horse nurse exclaimed.

"I-I must've fainted, but I'm alright. Thank you?"

"Your sister brought you in here and was concerned for you."

"Where is she?!"

The horse nurse pointed at the direction that her sister was and Alice slowly got herself up and proceeded towards that direction. Alice looked around and would slightly stick her head within each room she passed by for brief seconds to see if she saw her sister in any of those rooms. No sight of her. When she was about to give up, her sister reached towards her from behind and taps her shoulder. Alice turns around and meets eye to eye with her twin sister. Her twin sister replies with a smile on her face and a slow wink. Confused, she asked all the questions again to her twin sister on how all of this is possible. 

Her twin sister found a room for both of them to have to themselves and sat her down. She explained what happened and that everything will be alright. Her twin sister gave her the run down of this ship and any other basic information she will need in order to move on. She even explained to her that they do not even hand shake anymore. It is just a smear knuckle-to-knuckle type of gesture for a hand shake. Her twin sister also explained the distribution of all the supplies in the space station and how things were picked and stored. 

"At one point did I assert that I was going to be Captain?", stated Alice.

"It just came to you in a dream. You foresaw this happening and the signs all came to play in reality."

"This space station... I guess I built it from scratch too or?"

"I guess so sis. I guess so. Everything just came to you and occurred quickly. Which is mighty impressive to all. Myself included."

"How did I even find you? If..."

"I have no idea honestly. I really don't."

Alice's mind just starts to draw pockets of blanks. She's trying to comprehend everything that has been told to her along with trying to remember the reality and her life. She starts to mutter to herself: "I am Alice. I am currently at my parents place. I am twenty-seven years old. I must be having a dream." She grasps her head as if it is in the state of pain. She frantically starts to panic and stares at her twin sister while her breathing is growing deeper and deeper. Her sister just glances at her while a smile slowly emerges from her face. Everything goes black and then flashes of light play again. She springs awake and lifts herself up from the bed and her heavy breathing continues with her. She looks around to ground herself to know where she is at which is her room and back in reality again. Drenched in a pool of sweat, she mutters to herself quietly, "That was the most weirdest and scariest dreams of my life. Tomorrow will be better than this!" She lays back down calmly and falls asleep again.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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