Chapter 2 Boring School Day Pt 1

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I was having fun playing soccer until the bell rang. I groaned in frustration 'cause I wanted to keep playing. Well I should get to class soon, I don't want to be late because my 1st period teacher hates tardiness. I sighed and walked into the building.

I walked to my locker on the second floor, I grabbed my stuff I need for my 1st period. My first period is Biology and it was always boring, nothing interesting really happens. While walking to my 1st period classroom I noticed that a lot of people were talking about the news, especially the news on the CEO Ivan. I walked to the classroom and the second bell rang. I sat down in my seat and the teacher walked in. I sighed, this will be a long day.

It's been only 10 minutes but it feels like an hour has passed. I wish something dramatic would happen for once in this classroom. My eyes were droopy at this point, I groaned in frustration again.

"Arghhh fuck it, Imma microsleep." I thought to myself.

Just when I was about to close, my eyes my teacher just all of a sudden snapped and yelled, I flinched. I turned to look at my teacher and she looked pissed, like P-I-S-S-E-D, pissed! I then turned to the direction she was looking at and not to my surprise, she was looking at one of my best friends/"brother" Angelo López.


"Ehhhh, because I was bored..."
He replied.


Ahh fuck my teacher's tone sounds so dark right now and has a smirk on her face and now I'm scared shit.

"Everyone in this period will have a quiz on this subject tomorrow, I expect good answers from you all." She announced.

"WHAT?" The whole entire class screamed out, including me.

"Hey, someone said they were bored, so I assume you guys know what you are learning, so I'm going to quiz you guys." She replied.

"So I expect some good scores, so we can move on the the next subject, if not, then we are going to have to go over the whole entire subject." She continued.

Now everyone groaned in frustration. I looked at at Angelo and we made eye contact. He gave me a nervous smile.

'Thanks a lot', I mouthed to him, and glared at him. He shivered in fear because he knows I'm mad. Whenever or whoever gets me mad, no one gets away with it. They will get a punch in the gut.

   Class went by again but this time it was quick, for some reason. The bell rang I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed out to the hallways. I have P.E next, my favorite period of the day. I wished it was my last period of the day. I first headed to my hallway locker to put my backpack in there. We have big P.E lockers in the changing room and a small one where we put our P.E clothes. We can only put our lock on the small P.E lockers, I don't put my backpack in those lockers because I'm scared I'm going to get burglary, but at the same time if we put them on the big lockers they get cut off. I'm just like what's the point of the big P.E lockers if we can't really "use" them. We also can at least bring our phones and headphones, earbuds, or AirPods which I always do. I shoved my backpack in my hallway locker and headed for the P.E locker room.

I entered the P.E locker rooms, went to my row with my small P.E locker. I spun the code and it opened. I put on my P.E t-shirt and shorts with the school logo (of course). I finished changing, before the bell rang and headed out with my phone and my AirPods. I went to the yard since it's where my P.E teacher always says to meet there. We don't always have a unit of what to do so we usually do 3 things during the week. One, we go into the fitness room, with all the fitness equipments in there. Second, we also go outside to run the mile. Third, free time, free time is usually in the yard or the gym. The bell finally rung and we went to our usual spot we line up for the teacher to take role call.

Role call took about ten minutes because some people were jerking around and not getting into place. My P.E teacher says we were staying outside in the yard, which means....FREE TIME, YAY! My teacher brought out the balls so we could play. I obviously took the soccer ball. I kicked the ball to the goalie and started to do some drills. Soon after some other people joined in and I had fun. I managed to shoot a couple of goalies and it was fun. Time went by quick and the teacher told us to go back to the locker rooms and change. I  kicked ball near the net bag that was for for holding the balls. I ran back to the locker room to change. While changing, I spotted Angelo. I facepalmed myself mentally, how could I forget that we have all the same classes. We made eye contact and he walked towards me, I gave him a the icy glare because I was still pissed at him for what happened earlier, and went back to finish changing. He came towards me,

"Hey, sup dude?" He said to me with a hyper tone and with his hand up in a high five position.

"Sup" I replied with a flat tone.

"Why you sound so dead?" He asked.

"Because of what happened in Biology!" I replied with a pissed tone.

"Eh....sorry....." He apologizes.

I didn't respond.

"How about I treat you lunch? To make it up for you?" He said.

My eyes lit up. I wasn't one to pass on free food. Besides he does kind of owe me for what happened because he knows I hate quizzes.

"Fine, but you also have to study with me since it was your mess and you drag the class with you!" I pointed at him as I replied.

"Ok, no problem, that's what brothers are for." He said.

I rolled my eyes, and the bell rung, I put back my lock on the locker and headed for my hallway locker. I sighed, this will be a long day I swear to god. Went to my hallway locker which I forgot to mention it's on the 4th floor. Good thing because my next class which is Math is on the 4th floor. I groaned in frustration, time to walk up some steps.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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