Still Out There

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She sat there on the floor silently sobbing whilst everyone was asking her if she was okay. How could she be knowing that the man who took her so many years ago was still out there?

"We will find him kid, don't worry" Tony tried to sound reassuring but this made Alice even more upset. "You don't understand, he will come looking for me if he hasn't started already" she shakily spoke through her sobs.

Natasha put her hand on Alice's bony shoulder to try and calm her down, but the shaking only intensified, Nat noticed she wasn't helping and removed her hand from the crying girl carefully.

Alice knew it was only a matter of time before he found her. All she could imagine was his face if he took her again. Pure satisfaction. Alice never wanted to see that look ok his face ever again.

She knew that the torture would be way worse if he did find her, she could imagine her screams and how he would sadistically laugh at her pain. She started to shake even more at the thought.

"We would never let him hurt you again" Steve assured as he crossed his arms over his chest. She didn't like when he did that, Xavier would always cross his arms over his chest as a way to make him seem way more dominant over her. Not able to cope with the reminder of Xavier, she looked away from Steve to the floor.

Alice wanted to believe them, but they didn't know what Xavier was like, he obviously knew what he was doing if he was able to avoid detection for almost a decade, and Alice didn't want anyone getting hurt because of her.

She couldn't.

The room was silent for a few seconds minus the quiet sobs of Alice on the floor.

She managed to hold back her sobs and stood up reluctantly. "You don't know what he is like, you don't know of the evil things he has done" she answered with a stone cold expression even though her cheeks were still damp with tears. Alice didn't mean to say that, she just gave them a hint about her past.

Xavier was the devil in her eyes. She felt like throwing up just thinking about him.

"We have fought evil before kid" Tony spoke proudly. But Alice just scoffed. "You think you have fought evil, but no, Xavier is on a whole other level" she spat when speaking his name, just thinking about him brought a shiver up her spine. Alice wasn't a hateful person, but boy, she wanted Xavier dead and she'd happily be the one to kill him.

"Well we haven't lost a fight yet, and we don't plan on it any time soon" Steve finally uncrossed his arms making Alice feel a bit more comfortable. Every one was agreeing with Steve.

She liked how confident they were, but was still worried. "If you do find him, please don't underestimate him just because he doesn't have powers" she answered trying to convince them all one last time. "If you are asking us to be careful, then there is no need" Thor added. "We always protect one another, no matter what" Steve assured her. Everyone nodded in approval of what Steve just said.

Alice looked around everyone as they all nodded their heads. Her gaze stopped on Loki, she noticed that he was staring at her quite intently. This made her nervous and started playing around with the ends of her long sleeved shirt drawing his attention from her face to her arms. She quickly stopped when she noticed that his brows furrowed with what looked like a hint of anger for a split second. He couldn't have seen her scars could he? She was pulling down her sleeves, there was no way he could have seen them. No way.

Why would he care if she did have scars anyway? It made no sense.

She looked away from him and just wanted to escape the room as quickly as possible. She announced her departure "I need to go upstairs to get some air" she briskly walked out not daring to look back at Loki.

He certainly was a confusing man. God. Whatever.

She didn't even give anyone the time to reply before she hurriedly made her exit.

She let out a sign of relief when she got to the floor above which had a huge balcony on it looking over the city. She stood leaning against the glass railing keeping her from falling off the building. "I hope you aren't planning on jumping" a voice spoke behind her scaring the hell out of her. She let out a squeal as he just gave her the fright of her life. "You scared me Loki" she answered as she turned around recognising the voice instantly.

"Force of habit" Loki replied seeming somewhat embarrassed that he just did that to her. He quickly regained his composure. "What I said still stands, I hope you aren't planning on jumping.... i-it would create quite the mess on the streets" he quickly added at the end. Alice just snickered at him "don't worry, my suicidal days are way over" but stopped giggling when she realised what she just said.

She revealed yet another thing about her past that she didn't want people knowing. Brilliant.

She studied Loki's face to see what his reaction was, it went from anger to confused, to reassuring in a matter of seconds. "I-I was just joking" Alice tried to sound convincing but knew that Loki just saw right through her lies. He was the god of mischief after all.

Realising that he didn't believe her, Alice tried to run by him but her wrist got grabbed yet again, that was becoming a habit between them. It didn't hurt but it was enough of a force to stop her from escaping. She didn't look at him as he began to softly speak "I too have a troubling past, but all we can do now is try and move on, become better and grow as people" Loki clarified. That definitely wasn't what she was expecting, she turned around as Loki let go of her wrist.

He looked down at her not out of pity but of understanding. "Thanks L, that means a lot" Alice didn't mean to call him L, it just instinctively came out. She always gave people nicknames when she was younger. He looked shocked at the name.

Alice backed away a few steps and ran away from the balcony. She ran as quickly as she could to her room and slammed the door shut behind her. "What have I done, what have I done" she whispered to herself as she put her back on the door and slid down until she was sitting on the floor. Alice thought she had overestimated the boundaries between them. "I regret that so much, why am I so stupid" she barked at herself.

Loki POV

He stood there not knowing what to do. He thought about the nickname that Alice gave him, he had never been given a nice one before, he was used to the jokey ones that made a mockery out of his armour, but this one was different.

"L..... I like it" he spoke to himself as he smiled, seems that he has made a friend.

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