Shark Week

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Over a month had passed and there had been no more incidents. Alice and Loki were slowly getting to know each other better, and she felt truly safe for the first time.

Alice woke up feeling uncomfortable. She had stomach pains and didn't know why. She had never experienced that kind of pain before.

"Ow" she winced as she sat up on the bed. There was a striking pain in her stomach.

Alice managed to slowly make her way off of the bed, and stretched her arms in the air. Her toes curled up in the thick rug beneath her feet, as she loved softness of it.

She turned around to make her bed, and was shocked to find a stain.

A blood stain.

"What the..." she began but stopped in shock. She didn't remember having any wounds, or anything that would amount to that much blood.

Alice ran to the mirror to investigate where her wound was and was shocked to see where the blood came from.

"Oh my god, I'm dying" was her first thought, as she had never experienced this before. Her next thought was "it had to be on white sheets".

Alice cleaned herself off, and started to pace in her bedroom. "This can't be happening".

After mustering up the courage, Alice called for JARVIS.


"Yes, how may I assist you?" He calmly spoke.

"Can you get Nat to come down here please? And tell her.... it's an emergency" Alice nervously asked.

"Of course, is something wrong?" He asked.

"Nope! Everything is fine!" She quickly said almost incoherently.

Not even 30 seconds later Nat came rushing through the door in her fighting gear. Alice basically pooped her pants.

"AHHH" Alice screamed as Nat stormed in. "WHERE'S THE BAD GUY" Nat shouted looking around the room.

"Nowhere! You scared the hell out of me!" Alice panted, trying to steady her breath. Nat was still on edge, "what is the emergency then?" She spoke as she continued glancing around suspiciously.

It was a good job that it was only Nat that stormed through the door. The other guys were probably on a different floor.

"Don't freak out okay, because I am really scared" Alice spoke through a tensed expression. Nat immediately stood still.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Nat asked worriedly and put her hand on Alice's shoulder.

"I honestly don't know" she replied and slowly backed up until she was at the bed. "Just don't tell anyone about this, please".

Alice moved the bed sheets until the stain was revealed and immediately tensed. She looked up at Natasha who had a smile on her face.

"W-why are you smiling?!" Alice blurted out. It was then that Natasha explained the situation and what it meant. She also explained that since Alice has put on weight that her body is starting to function like it normally should for an 18 year old.

Alice felt embarrassed, and ashamed that she didn't know what a period was, but Natasha assured her that it was a completely normal thing and said it just shows that Alice is getting healthier every day.

Nat got her a brand new set of sheets and gave her some feminine products, Alice felt much better. Nat kept repeating "you shouldn't be embarrassed" which made Alice feel a bit better.

However, the pain, or cramps as Nat called them kept getting worse.

A few minutes later and Alice was back in bed, with some pain medication and some ice cream. She immediately started to feel a bit better.

Natasha left after seeing that Alice was feeling a bit better.

There was a knock at her door just as Alice was changing the channel on her TV. "Yeah?" Alice asked with a mouth full of ice cream.

The door opened to reveal Tony, Clint and Steve. Brilliant. They all leisurely waltzed in.

"Hey! How you feeling? Nat told us you weren't feeling very well and we came to check on you" Steve asked with a worried expression.

Immediately Alice felt her face heating up.

She swallowed the ice cream that was in her mouth. "Yeah, I'm feeling a bit better now thanks"

"You had us worried there, we saw Nat run to your room in her gear, but JARVIS told us not to come in" Tony stated suspiciously. "What was wrong? We heard screaming"

"Tony! Don't pry!" Clint hissed but still looked at her to see if she would answer.

Alice rolled her eyes. She turned to the guys with a smile on her face. Nat did say it wasn't anything to be embarrassed about...

"I started my period" she said matter of factly. This was obviously not the answer that they were expecting. This flustered them "oh, hope you are okay" Steve spoke surprised. "Yeah, feel better soon" Clint said.

After saying her thanks, the guys quickly left.

Alice watched as the guys left the room and her eyes were immediately drawn to a figure in the doorway. 


Was he there the full time?

He slowly made his way over to Alice and stopped right as he got to her bed. He smiled down at her.

"Hello Ali".

"Hello L" she smiled.

Alice patted the bed beside her to say that Loki could sit down. He happily accepted.

After assuring him that she would live, they spoke for hours about random things, and practicing using their magical abilities. Alice spoke of her life before her kidnapping to him, and Loki opened up about his life on Asgard.

Alice spoke about her parents, Isabella and Neal Caffrey and described what they looked like. The full time, Loki had a smile on his face as he intently listened to her, just as intently as she listened to him.

Somewhere along the line, Loki resorted to a laying position and Alice was beginning to feel sleepy. Her eyes kept closing and she kept yawning without meaning to.

Loki was about to stand up to leave, but Alice grabbed his hand. Maybe it was her hormones talking, but she asked him to stay. He reluctantly accepted, they started to watch a movie together and Alice fell asleep not long after the movie began.

Loki looked to Alice, who was fast asleep with her head on his shoulder. He smiled as he felt her warm breath on the skin of his neck, and chuckled when she let out a little snore that made her shift in her sleep.

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