Beware - Horny Pregnant Woman

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Yeah. This is me. Getting larger by the day and been chased by my doctor to rest. My mum was driving me nutty though it was lovely to be around her and my dad. As for the boys'! Samuel was back at work at Thadiun Enterprise. My dad had set up an art room for Chris so he could work from home as his health improved. As for me...well I'd taken maternity leave since I had to have bed rest. I was often joined by Julian who was still tiring easily. I was starting to worry about him, I'd thought he'd be a bit stronger now. 
I was about six weeks from birthing our first child, we were all getting excited about meeting our child. Needless to say...I was horny as heck and didn't do much work. I was bored having to rest all the time.

What to do...I suppose a quick...
"Julian, darling..."
"Busy," he yelled back. "Ask Chris."
"How did you know..."
He looked over at me with a grin. "You've been..." I blushed and glared. "Little Miss Horny for a while now, Virginia."
"I can't help it," I muttered.
My mother entered the office with morning tea on a trolley. We inhaled deeply. Mum was a fab cook.
"After you've had your drink and cookie, Virginia, why don't you come into town with me and look over bridal things."
I'd prefer you to look online," said Julian.
"We can't stop living because of ... she sat down. "Seeing things is a bit different from looking online, Julian. I'll make sure Brent is with you and a bodyguard if you need."
"I'd love a day out...well a few hours, it's stifling here at times."
"Take Craig then. I'm sure he'll be happy to drive you all."
"Thanks, Julian." I smiled.
I waddled out the door, giggling at the wolf whistle and sent one back at him. Mum shook her head and went to find dad. Meanwhile, I sat in the foyer and called Craig to see if he was free.
"I'll be there in ten minutes Ms Costello."
"Virginia," I growled," however he'd already closed the call.
"You'd best get your shoes and a jacket. It's not overly warm today, sweetheart.
"Yes, Dad." I kissed his cheek setting off to the lift upstairs.


Samuel was pouring over business reports when the phone call came in. Karen put it through to him with a worried frown.
"Hello. Samuel Hatton speaking?"
"Detective Mitchell here."
"What can I do for you?" Silence greeted him. "Detective! What the hell's happened now?"
"She's killed one of the prison guards during transfer to..."
"I presume you're telling me she's escaped again!"
"Yes. Disappeared too. We can't find her."
"Shit. You need to call Mr Vere. They'll need extra protection."
"I know. I can't apologise enough..."
"Mitchell. It isn't your fault. It is the fault of those transferring her, however, we also pass on our condolences to the prison guards family."
"You take care. Don't leave your office without..."
"After last time. I'm not going to. Go called Julian."
Putting the phone down he called Karen into his office.
"Could you send the head of Security up here, please. Also, don't leave the building without an escort to your car and have your car checked as well. It seems my sister has escaped during transfer...again."
"I thought she'd been found guilty..."
"Yes, she was. They were taking her to a secure mental facility. Please, could you..."
"Yes." she nodded.
"Stay safe."

Detective Mitchell's call came in for Julian ten minutes after Virginia, Faith, and Brent had left with Craig for the city and some much needed bridal shopping.
"Morning Detective Mitchell. We were wondering when we'd get an update."
"Bad news. She escaped again, killing a prison guard."
"Shit. You've got to be kidding me. Virginia and her parents just left for the bloody city."
"I wish I was. I only found out half an hour ago. I've already mentioned it to Mr Hatton."
"I'll call him about my fiancee. First I'll get Craig on the car phone."
"I'll do all I can to assist."
"Thank you. I'll let you know."

Craig answered the carphone using Bluetooth.
"Mr Vere?"
"You need to bring them back. Ms Hatton escaped again. They haven't found her yet."
"Bloody hell." He drove to the next roundabout taking the third exit, heading back to the Costello mansion. "We'll be back in about fifteen minutes."
"Thank's Craig."
Looking in the rear-view mirror he caught Brent's eye.
"Is everything all right, Craig?"
"We need to return to the manor, sir. Somethings come up and Mr Vere needs Ms Costello."
Putting his foot down, Craig headed for the manor moving through the gates and down the drive within twelve minutes. Opening the door he ushered everyone inside closing the door behind him. 
"What's going on?"
Julian approached using his walking stick. "It seems a certain person has escaped from a prison van a few hours ago. Detective Mitchell was on the phone as soon as he found out."
"NO!" I shouted. "I'm not having her ruining my life any longer. It's not fair," I sort of ran...more of a waddle out of the lounge using the lift to my suite and fell on my bed crying.

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