Ballad: Rime of the 20 Century Scurvy Dog

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I sailed the shores of The African Coast

Terror of the Seas, I did gloat and boast

I knew no rules but the honour of thieves

In every sense as free as I please.

I bear not a hook nor a sword, far off

Instead there rests a Kalishnakov-

No simple task to capture iron whales.

In all the old movies and the old tales

You never saw pirates in a coffin

Nor pulled to Styx like the one I was in.

Pity me not but curse me neither:

I used to watch the barks on that vast blue,

That took goods to shores that were farther,

Wondering why the hues of flags were so few

Then I became a pirate and took to the sail

Just as a hammer might look to a nail.

One always expects to see the next port

But my life was brutal and short.

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